Mes: febrero 2022

  • A horizontal list widget to use in mainly for web or desktop application

    horizontal_list A horizontal list widget to use in mainly for web or desktop application. Using the library Add the repo to your Flutter pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: horizontal_list: <<version>> Then run… flutter packages get Example HorizontalListView( list: [Text(‘Text 1’), Text(‘Text 2’)], //List of widget iconNext: Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios), // Icon for button next iconPrevious: Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios), // Icon for button previous curveAnimation: Curves.bounceIn, //Curve …

  • Flutter Online dataCollection App for AI

    eyu_data_collection A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and …

  • Bug Tracker App for Tri NIT Hackathon

    Bug Tracker A cross platform bug tracking application that allows users to add, remove, or fix defects in their product. The bugs are prioritised and categorised before being allocated to organisation members depending on their duties. The status of the bugs can be updated on a regular basis 💡 Intro A bug tracking system can prioritize bugs and assign issues. …

  • Dot net interview questions answering by bot built with flutter

    Dot Net Interview question Answering Bot Dot net interview questions answering by bot. Click here to see the demo Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with …

  • Online Shop App with Clean Architecture, Bloc and Freezed

    Online Shop App with Clean Architecture, Bloc and Freezed The aplication is a small online shop app with a product overview page, a product detail page and a shopping basket. It makes use of freezed and the flutter_bloc package for state management, following the clean architecture pattern. App Overview This application is composed by 3 main sections: overview, detail and …

  • Wally – A flutter app for mobile wallpapers

    WALLY Wally is a flutter app for mobile wallpapers. Steps to Run/Build the Project Flutter must be installed to run the project. Clone the repository Cd into the project directory. Run flutter pub get create a pixels api key For Free Create Api Key paste the api key inside lib/pages/home.dart void getPhotos(searchQuery) async { var head = { «Authorization»: …

  • A TicTac game made with flutter

    TicTac Game A TicTac Game made with Flutter/Dart (No libraries) Getting Started Clone this repo Run flutter clean && flutter pub get in your terminal Finally flutter run in your terminal Screenshots PRs are opened 🙂 GitHub View Github

  • A Music App Template With Flutter

    Music App UI A music app template ✨ Requirements Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows) Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc) A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter A brain to think 🤓🤓 📸 Banner 📸 ScreenShots 🤓 Design Credit Victoria Okwuokenye    🤓 Author Bukunmi Aluko    😃 Show some love …

  • Run a Flutter app without needing a lick of C/C++ code. Just Dart

    Experimental package for running Flutter apps from a Dart runner, instead of the C++ runner that is provided by default when you do flutter create. You might use this to create a Windows Flutter app without requiring a C++ compiler on your system. At present, this is not much more than a lightweight experiment. It doesn’t currently support high-DPI scaling, …

  • KangKurir UI Kit Built Using Flutter

    KangKurir UI Kit Using Flutter by Rangga Saputra ( Flutter Developer : UI/UX Designer KangKurir : Youtube Tutorial KangKurir UI Kit Using Flutter : Github KangKurir UI Kit : Assalamu’alaikum, Hallo Happy Flutter Developer, saya Rangga Saputra, selamat datang di channel IndoFlutter ( Pada pagi minggu yang cerah ini, saya ingin sharing bagaimana caranya men-slicing UI …

  • Youtube Clone UI Built With Flutter supports all platforms

    Youtube Clone Flutter Youtube Clone UI supports all platforms. UI youtube.clone.mp4 #💻 How to install Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, …

  • DIE – A project created in flutter for the needs of classes

    DIE – DoItEverywhere DIE is a project created in flutter for the needs of classes. The application allows users to do activities and save their results in cloud. How to Use Step 1: In project root execute the following command in console to get the required dependecies flutter pub get Step 2: Then execute the following command in console to …