A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter
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A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

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A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

This is simple repository, that help in fetch latest, upcomming movies.

Release 1.0 (05/OCT/2020)

Release 1.0 Download Here

This release cover following feature :

  • API calling architecture
  • Dark Mode
  • Material UI design


A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Cover Feature

  • Splash Screen
  • Onboarding-Screen
  • Select favourite movie
  • Home Screen
  • Tranding movie
  • Movies different category
  • Popular movie
  • Upcomming movie
  • Tranding person of week
  • Top rated movie
  • Movies detail
  • Movies trailer and poster
  • Movie cast and crew member
  • Crew member detail
  • Movies on bases of keyword
  • Recommendation and similar movie
  • User Profile
  • IMDB Rating ⭐
  • Setting
  • Dark Theme

Movie Cast and Crew

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Movie Category

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter


A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Dark Mode

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Movie Detail

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter


A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

User Profile

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter


A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Select Favourite Movie and TV category

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter

Movie Poster

A fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutterA fetch latest upcomming movies app with flutter


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Average Rating

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1 Star

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