I made a simple flutter question and answer application to learn all the basics of the language. It was a very interesting experience, but I know I still have a lot to learn with this new technology that fascinates me with every line.
lessons learned
- Widgets
- Widget Tree
- Widget Update
- Column
- StatelessWidget
- Private Members
- CallBacks
- Map
- Lists
OS X Linux X Windows:
- Must have Flutter installed! -> ‘flutter doctor -v’ (Test flutter installation)
flutter run
Release history
- 0.01
- Simple application realization
- 0.0.2
- Implement a Q&A API.
- Fork the project (https://github.com/Matheuscara/Flutter-Game-Of-Questions)
- Create a branch for your modification (
git checkout -b Branch
) - Do the commit (
git commit -am 'Add .'
) - Push (
git push origin Branch
) - Create a new Pull Request
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