- Sometime you want to set a target for you weekly, for example: «Reading Book for 8 hours every week». This app helps you to do that. Furthermore, you can see the progress that you have done so far in the current week.
- Current version is very simple and support for Android Only. The project also has not migrated to Null-Safety yet.
- Create & Delete the Progress’s name & the amount of time per week you want to spend on the task (unit:minutes per week)
- Start the timer before the task actually happends to keep track time spent on that task.
- End the timer when the task is paused, suspended.
Getting Started
- Run: «flutter pub get» to install needed plugins.
- Run: «flutter build apk –split-per-abi» to build the apk file
- google_fonts: ^2.0.0
- sqflite: ^2.0.0+3
- path_provider: ^2.0.1
- numberpicker: ^1.3.0
- jiffy: ^3.0.1
- flutter_local_notifications: ^4.0.1
- flutter_background: ^0.1.6
- provider: ^5.0.0
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