Effortless Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker Application. Unicorn utilizes Coingecko’s trusty API to track up-to-date data of various cryptocurrencies. Unicorn allows you to learn through hands-on experience with the crypto market using a portfolio built using virtual money.
Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/mb2NpUXuL5g
- Login/Logout( Google, Annonymous)
- We can choose to sign in with Google Account to our app or join as a guest on the sign-in page.
- Cryptocurrency Market
- Total market cap value in USD is shown on the top of the page.
- Show crypto 24h change percentage.
- Sort coins by their market cap in USD.
- Unicoin currently supports 20 most famous cryptocurrency.
- Detailed Aggregate/Exchange Specific Market Data for every Coin
- We can choose any coin to see more detailed data about them.
- By tapping from different timeframes: 24h, one week, one month, three months, six months, one year, all, we can see the wrap-up chart display coin value by time.
- Tap “Add to favorite” to add this Coin to our outstanding collection.
- Some specific features: Coin name, Current value, Market cap, Market cap rank, Total volume, the highest value in 24h, the Lowest value in 24h, Price changing in 24h, Market cap change in 24h, Circulating supply, Total supply.
- Portfolio Overview
- Currently, our application only allows users to have one portfolio at a time.
- Users can manually add transactions into their portfolio to keep track of their profit/loss over the time.
- For each transaction, the user has to only specify three basic things: What is the coin they are trading? What is the type of transaction i.e. buying or selling? What is the exact amount?
- Unicoin would use the data from users’ transactions to calculate the profit/loss of their portfolio, giving insights for amateur investors before actually diving into the cryptocurrency market using real money.
- Favorite Coin
- Show all your favorite coins you have added, help you find the coins you care about easier.
- Remove a coin from your favourite set by taping “Remove from favorite” in the coin profile.
- More
- Tap “Join our community” to see our social media platform.
- Tap “Help & Support” to send your questions and feedback to Unicorn (currently unavailable).
- Tap “Log out” to sign-out and continue with the new profile.
Tech stack
- Flutter
- Provider
- Firebase
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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