Official repo of team Naughty Indian Crew for Hack36 4.0
This is an education platform that primarily focuses on connecting freshers and other students to their professors, seniors and alumini. A zero cheating platform for conducting quizzes.This app will be beneficial for all the students around the world consist of various institute and also various quzzing communities.
Some key benefits:
Contact with Classmates,professors,seniors and alumni.
Information about institute happenings.
Access to College Resources.
Exclusive Online Job Listings.
Wider Professional Network and Connect with the Community.
Conduct and play Quizzes with live leaderboard.
Demo Video Link:
Presentation Link:
Table of Contents:
- Technology Stack
- Problem
- Proposed Solution
- Wow factor
- Future Work
Technology Stack:
- Flutter
- Firebase
- SQLite
- GetX
- Agora SDK
- Lottie
- Figma
«Unguided freshers lead to wrong direction»
- No platform exist where freshers or undergraduate can interact with seniors, alumni, professors of respective institute. College being conducted virtually these days, such a platform is dire need of the new students, so that they can find mentors for themselves and set-up their future goals.
- A Quizzing platform to prevent or reduce cheating unlike other various platforms is a dire need of professors and quizzing communities.
Proposed Solution:
Problem 1 Solution:
The main objective of our hack was to build a bridge between juniors, seniors, alumni and professors of institute.
Our platform will help them interact (using messaging and video calling) with each other or post queries in post section under various categories.
Problem 2 Solution:
Our platform provides features to conduct quizzes with live leaderboard.
Every question is once attemptable and can’t be retrieved back after answering once. No screenshot or text copying. Hence the cheating is prevented.
Quizzes can be conducted and attempted by students in various fields like academics, job oriented, etc.
Wow Factor:
- A new post can be saved as a draft before posting it online.
- All the quizzes are timed, once the timer runs down, the Quiz get auto submitted irrespective of your responses.
- People can be searched on the basis of the tags(fresher, sophomore, junior, senior) to lookup for mentors or to act as mentors.
- Disabled Screenshot during Quizzes to prevent sharing of answers.
Future Work:
Provide notifications of messages, phone calls, post likes/comments, upcoming quizzes.
Categorize people on the basis of their area of interests/expertise.
Add an e-library support for study resources and materials.
Upload Resume and job listings.
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