A Simple Todo App For Flutter

Simple Todo App Generated by the Very Good CLI 🤖 Getting Started 🚀 This project contains 3 flavors: development staging production To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands: # Development $ flutter run –flavor development –target lib/main_development.dart # Staging $ flutter run –flavor staging –target lib/main_staging.dart # Production $ …

SSODA Automation Management App Using Flutter

SSODA SW 마에스트로 12기 과정에서 로켓단🚀 팀이 개발한 SNS 해시태그 이벤트 자동화 관리 서비스 쏘다의 모바일앱 개발과 웹 프론트엔드 개발, 그리고 전체적인 UI/UX 디자인을 맡았습니다. 서비스에 대한 자세한 설명은 여기를 참고해주세요. 개발 모바일 앱(Android & iOS) Dart – 2.13.4 Flutter – 2.2.3 웹페이지 Dart – 2.13.4 Flutter – 2.2.3 UI 홈 화면 로그인 & 가게 등록 이벤트 등록 이벤트 확인 …

Redditech: use the Reddit API in order to build a mobile app

Redditech Introduction Redditech is an IT project in which we had to use the Reddit API (https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/) in order to build a mobile app.   For this reason we used some tools and language: – Dart SDK version : 2.13.1 (https://dart.dev/) – Flutter version : 2.2.1 (https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git) – HTML (HyperText Markup Langage) – Swift – Android Studio version : 2020.3.1 …

RainBow : Wallaper App made using Flutter

RainBow – Wallaper App made using Flutter RainBow brings an exclusive wallpapers & setups straight to your Android device. With unlimited downloads , you can be sure to never miss the best wallpapers. My main goal is to create an unimaginable self-sustainable experience where people can share their walls and , and everyone can like, download, and apply them. Screenshots …

A Complete Weather App Using Flutter

weather 🌡 A complete weather app Use this source code in your project Rate me ⭐ Thank you ☺ Platform Android ✔️ Preview About Work it with API Finde weather by your Location Search weather by your city Development Setup Clone the repository and run the following commands: flutter pub get flutter run Getting Started This project is a starting …

App that simulates an e-commerce of natural products with Flutter and Dart

E-commerce Orgs App que simula um e-commerce de produtos naturais para o curso de navegação e rotas com nuvigator através do Flutter e Dart. 🔨 Funcionalidades do projeto O app lista cestas, produtores e itens das cestas com imagem, título, descrição e valor. Os dados são obtidos através de um arquivo json. Também está implementado um esquema de rotas que …