Etiqueta: flutter

  • iOS App to Record Daily Sun Intake

    Why Suncheck 당신은 하루에 해를 얼마나 보나요? 코시국에 더욱 우울하거나 무기력한 건 햇살을 충분히 받지 못해서 일 수도 있어요. 매일 단 15분의 햇살만으로 우리 뇌에서는 우울증을 예방할 수 있을 만큼의 세로토닌이 분비됩니다. 만약 하루 동안 내가 얼마나 햇살을 받는지 알 수 있다면 우리 기분을 더욱 주도적으로 관리해 나갈 수 있지 않을까요? Suncheck과 함께, 나만의 햇빛 일지를 작성하고 더 상쾌하고 기분 …

  • The Ultimate Guide to App Development with Flutter

    Flutter is a powerful and intuitive framework for building beautiful, cross-platform mobile applications that uses the Dart programming language. This essentially means that Flutter can be used to write one codebase for an app that runs natively on both iOS and Android. With all the hype around Flutter and mobile app development, learning Flutter is both a valuable skill and …

  • CS:GO Tournament App Build Using Flutter

    CS:GO Tournament App CSGO League App | Arcadia Gaming Club of IIITV An App where all the details about a tournament can be found. ⚡Features User Side Players can Register for the tournament through the App itself. Users can Sign-in Anonymously. Users can see the Match Schedule on the App. Users can watch Match details (including time, score, winner team, …

  • Visit Nepal : Tourism app made with Flutter and Django

    Visit Nepal : Tourism app made with Flutter and Django This is an app that gives you information about all the things that make Nepal breathtaking. Features : Fetch data from a GraphQl Server. Data collected via web-scraping with Python. Navigate to a specific location via Google Maps Dynamic Theming using Provider Beautiful UI Backend Devs: Animesh Timsina Lakshya pandit …

  • A flutter Reversi Board with edax, which is the strongest reversi engine

    pedax pedax is Board GUI with edax, which is the strongest reversi program. pedax has 4 features. Comfortably, you can see evaluation value, e.g. +4, -10. Mac/Windows are supported. Linux is still not verified. Customizable important options, e.g. book file path, search level, advanced indicator. 2 languages (English, Japanese) are supported. View Demo View Github commands format flutter format -l …

  • A chat app for IRL streamers with flutter

    RealtimeChat A chat app for IRL streamers. Android: Getting Started RealtimeChat is a standard Flutter application. We support Android and iOS but not web. To get started, follow the standard flutter pub get flutter run If this is your first exposure to Flutter, follow the install guide to set up your environment. Optionally, go through the codelab to learn …

  • Easy Material White Theme for flutter

    flutter_fast_ui_white Easy Material White Theme View Demo View Github Getting Started in pubspec.yaml dependencies: flutter_fast_ui_white: git: url: void main() { runApp(FastTheme( accentColor:, child: MyApp(), )); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: ‘Flutter Demo’, theme: FastTheme.of(context).theme, home: SampleListPage(), ); } } Specific Widget FastAppBar showFastTimePicker showFastDatePicker

  • Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language

    macos_ui Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. Layout MacosWindow MacosWindow is the basic frame for the macOS layout. It has a Sidebar on the left and the rest of the window is typically filled out with a MacosScaffold. A scope for the MacosWindow is provided by MacosWindowScope. The sidebar can be toggled with MacosWindowScope.of(context).toggleSidebar(). MacosScaffold The …

  • Movies App made in Flutter with api data from TMDB

    Movies App made in Flutter with api data from TMDB This is an app that displays you details of movies that you can search for or browse. ## Features : Fetch api data from TMDB asynchronously. Dynamic Theming using Provider Search Functionality Video Demo: Screenshots: To run this app Obtain api key from TMDB. Replace YOUR_API_KEY in api_constants.dart with …

  • A community-driven hot deals sharing app developed with Flutter

    hotdeals-app hotdeals-app is an online marketplace app developed with Flutter. Screenshots Features Social sign in with Facebook and Google (using Firebase Authentication) State management using Provider Service Locator using get_it In-app messaging Notifications (using Firebase Cloud Messaging) Localization (l10n) Light and Dark theme Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. Prerequisites You need …

  • A flutter portfolio app made at RocketSeat’s NextLevelWeek Together

    Pay Flow A flutter portfolio app made at RocketSeat’s NextLevelWeek Together. PayFlow is a mobile application made in Flutter for Billet Management, containing features such as the use of camera and gallery, Machine Leaning with MLKit, Firebase Core and SignIn, Custom Animations and Stylizations, among several other points, such as the use of Shared Preferences. GitHub

  • An e-hentai/exhentai app make on flutter

    FEhViewer An Unofficial e-hentai app make on flutter 🔍 Translations Wanted 🔍 Please submit a pull request if you want to help with translation. App Strings: lib/l10n/{lang}.arb Installation for iOS Get the ipa file from Releases. Use some software like AltStore to install the ipa file on your device. Descriptions The main reference for UI is E-HentaiViewer Because it is …

  • Official plugin for using Thepeer SDK with flutter

    Flutter Thepeer This package makes it easy to use the Thepeer in a flutter project. Screen Shots 🚀 How to Use plugin ThePeer Send Launch ThepeerSendView in a bottom_sheet import ‘package:thepeer_flutter/thepeer_flutter.dart’; void launch() async { await ThepeerSendView( data: ThePeerData( amount: 10000, firstName: ‘$firstName’, receiptUrl: ‘$receiptUrl’, publicKey: ‘$publicKey’, userReference: ‘$userReference’, ), showLogs: true, onClosed: () { Navigator.pop(context); }, onSuccess: () { …

  • Bhagavad Gita app using flutter & Bhagavad-Gita-API

    Gita Bhagavad Gita flutter app. Download App – Playstore Web Application About Bhagavad Gita app using flutter & Bhagavad-Gita-API is A lightweight Node.js based Bhagavad Gita API [An open source rest api on indian Vedic Scripture Shrimad Bhagavad Gita]. Learning large JSON Data handling API example screenshot GitHub