Etiqueta: game

  • A flutter application that simulates the Indian game «Snakes and Ladders»

    Seleção de Desenvolvedor de Software – Escribo Teste Técnico 02 Instruções para Uso: Para a segunda tarefa, foi solicitado o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação que simulasse o jogo indiano “Cobras e Escadas”. Nas instruções enviadas no guia para o teste, foi solicitado que a aplicação rodasse em dispositivos Android. Levando em conta esta necessidade, aproveitei de uma das vantagens do …

  • Flutter Switch Game: Get Fun With Play This Game

    switch_game A new Flutter project. Getting Started Try Swap red circle to green when you tap on any one, this circle with any other circle beside it will toogle them color between green and red. if all circles have green color you finished it. you can share your score. GitHub View Github

  • Interactive mobile board game in Flutter

    One Piece Snake And Ladders Seleção de Desenvolvedor de Software – Escribo Desafio técnico 02: Seleção Desenvolvedor Escribo (Desafio 02).pdf Teste Técnico 02 Game de tabuleiro com seus personagens favoritos One Piece. Ao cair em uma casa com inimigo, sofra as consequencias! Nami esta ai para te ajudar. Dialogos interativos. 📋 Pré-requisitos Flutter SDK, Android Studio Emulador de Android. 🔧 …

  • Zombieland Game Built With Flutter

    Zombieland It’s a fun project. It uses some of the complex UI design, like the custom painter. Custom painter is mainly for the top AppBar. The title uses ‘gloriaHallelujah’ text style available in the google fonts package. The zombie animation is made using the rive web app, & controlled by the rive flutter package. Note: I thought – “Instead of …

  • FiveSins: A Web3 Game Built Using Flutter

    FiveSins FiveSins is a Web3 Game 团队 Ziqiang Huang:合约开发 Wenhao Deng:游戏开发、前端 Rui Shang:交互和体验、世界观设计 Xin Ma:产品和经济模型设计 项目介绍 掉落合成的PVP链游 FiveSins 是一个收集卡牌参与对决的 PVP 游戏。玩家通过收集 NFT 卡牌,参与对局时自动分为两方阵营,卡牌掉落合成 秉持 Play to earn 的原则,每一次对局的胜利方会获得收益,若成功合成人类,则会获取超额收益 基于元素升级合成人类的世界观,项目希望借此引发人们对人性底层的思考 github: youtube: 世界观 五宗罪,构成了人类 愤怒、贪婪…… 从小恶到大恶,最终会合成人类 玩家可以购买NFT,满足要求即可作为一方阵营出战,每两个小罪,若碰撞到一起,会合成更大的罪,经过4次合成升级,最终会合成人类,则游戏结束 玩家在游戏中除了促使本方合成,也可以通过控制掉落位置,去干扰、阻止对方合成,这本身也是一种人性 ​ 玩法介绍 从小罪合成大罪,最终合成人类 玩家从交易市场购买 30 个NFT(且罪 1 数量大于 20),则获得对局资格 匹配对手,随机分配红、绿两方阵营,其NFT也自动变为该颜色 红、绿两方轮流掉落NFT,玩家可控制掉落的初始位置,掉落后按照物理定律落到相应位置,若碰撞到相同的罪(且同色),则会合成下一阶的罪 先合成人类的一方获得胜利;若 30 张牌掉落完后仍未合成人类,则积分多者获胜 ​ 产品介绍 经济模型 NFT价格 罪 1、罪 2,每个 NFT 供应数量为 …

  • A choose your own adventure game in flutter

    destini_flutter A choose your own adventure game made with flutter. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance …

  • Games Poker developed using Flutter

    Adeku Akur (Aku dan Kamu Devs Games Asian Poker User) Games Poker developed using Flutter Beta Version. Screenshot Adeku Akur Beta Version: Dev by: Aku dan Kamu Devs. Developed date: 20 December 2021. English: Contribute? Requirements: Flutter SDK: Visual Studio Code: Plugin Dart and Flutter Extension Visual Studio Code: Press Ctrl + Shift + X for opening marketplace …

  • A simple dino game using flutter

    Dino game A new Flutter application. A simple dino game using flutter Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, …

  • A Widget-based Game Engine For Flutter

    illume A Widget-based Game Engine for Flutter Illume is a simple Flutter game engine which uses widgets to create game objects instead of sprites in normal game engines. This allows the app and game part to be quite integrated and use a lot of common components without needing graphics work to create sprites and backgrounds (which was honestly my main …

  • Library that can calculate fusions in Persona 5 game

    p5_fusion_dart Library that can calculate fusions in Persona 5 game. Example SkillRepository skillRepository = new SkillRepository(); final PersonaRepository repo = PersonaRepository(); final PersonaService service = PersonaService(repo); print(service.fuse( repo.getPersonaByName(«Regent»), repo.getPersonaByName(«Obariyon»))); print(service.getFusionsFrom(repo.getPersonaByName(«Arsene»))); print(service.getFusionsTo(repo.getPersonaByName(«Queen’s Necklace»))); print(service.getFusionsTo(repo.getPersonaByName(«Arsene»))); print(skillRepository.getSkill(«Absorb Bless»)); Credits Ideas, logics, data, etc. have been gathered from: GitHub View Github