Etiqueta: menu

  • A Flutter package with custom implementation of Drawer

    Flutter Zoom Drawer A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Side Menu (Drawer). Getting Started To start using this package, add flutter_zoom_drawer dependency to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: flutter_zoom_drawer: ‘<latest_release>’ Features Simple sliding drawer Sliding drawer with shadows Sliding drawer with rotation Sliding drawer with rotation and shadows Support for both LTR & RTL Documentation ZoomDrawer( controller: ZoomDrawerController, menuScreen: MENU_SCREEN, …

  • A customized Side Menu DownSide with Flutter

    SideMenuDownSide This project is about a Customized Flutter Drawer. Structure This project is created with Dart and Flutter 1.25.0-4.0.pre. Class SideMenuDownSide is container of SideMenuContent. SideMenuDownSide is a skeleton, hub to combine another component together. It is written file side_menu_down_side.dart SideMenuContent contains logic about how to display Menu Items. It is written in file side_menu_content.dart SideMenuHolder contains a DataSource for …

  • A simple customizable animated circular menu for Flutter

    circular_menu A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration. Installation Add circular_menu : ^latest_version to your pubspec.yaml, and run flutter pub get in your project’s root directory. Basic Usage Import it to your project file import ‘package:circular_menu/circular_menu.dart’; And add it in its most basic form like it: final circularMenu = CircularMenu(items: [ …

  • Flutter plugin to implement a Boom Menu

    Flutter Boom Menu Flutter plugin to implement a Boom Menu, with icons, title, subtitle, animated FAB Icons and hide on scrolling. Usage The BoomMenu widget is built to be placed in the Scaffold.floatingActionButton argument, replacing the FloatingActionButton widget. It’s not possible to set its position with the Scaffold.floatingActionButtonLocation argument, but it’s possible to set right/bottom margin with the marginRight and …

  • A library for adding a beautiful drawer mode menu feature

    Hidden Drawer Menu Hidden Drawer Menu is a library for adding a beautiful drawer mode menu feature with perspective animation. You can use a pre-defined menu or make a fully customized menu. Download APK Example Use with default menu import ‘package:hidden_drawer_menu/hidden_drawer/hidden_drawer_menu.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch: …

  • A flutter popup menu support both iOS and Android

    popup_menu This project was writed with pure dart code,which means it’s support both iOS and Android. ScreenShot How To Use You can find the demo at the ‘example’ folder. First, you should set the context at somewhere in you code. Like below: PopupMenu.context = context; PopupMenu menu = PopupMenu( items: [ MenuItem(title: ‘Copy’, image: Image.asset(‘assets/copy.png’)), MenuItem(title: ‘Home’, image: Icon(Icons.home, color: …

  • An easy way to create an internal side section where you can insert a list menu

    flutter_inner_drawer Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other. Installing Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutter_inner_drawer: «^0.2.2» New Version 0.1.5 -> 0.2.0 Animation type static Linear – Linear animation from version 0.2.0 has a different behavior quadratic (Linear of 0.1.5 version) DEMO Simple …