Tic-Tac-Toe : 🎃
A cross platform app that is built with Flutter

Note : The project is still under development 🖥️ . Extra features will be added further 😸.

Consider giving a ⭐ if you like the project 🖤.

1. General Info 📝

The purpose of this project is to understand and implement the flutter concepts that i’ve learned to make the user interface look appealing besides having fun along the journey 😃.

2. Screenshots 📸

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3. Preview 🎥

4. Installation 📀

Setup Flutter

Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/Yaswanth114/Tic-Tac-Toe.git
$ cd Tic-Tac-Toe/

Install dependencies

$ flutter pub get

Run app

$ flutter run

5.Technologies Used ✳️

6. Features ➕

Current Features

  1. Responsive UI
  2. Two Players Can Play The Game 👫
  3. Appealing UI
  4. Game Sounds 🔉
  5. User can select his avatar 🧑
  6. User can pick up a name to play 📛
  7. Can choose no of games to play 🥇
  8. Minimal Animations
  9. Timer when playing the game ⏲️
  10. Show case widget to guide user to the settings screen

Up coming features ☄️

  1. Integrate Player vs Computer feature using min max algorithm 🧠
  2. Storing data in cache using shared preferences 📱

7. Dependencies 🗳️

8. Design Inspiration


9. Contact Me 📞


View Github

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