A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
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A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it

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A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it

This template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
In order to connect the theme, change the line in theme_data_service.dart

static ThemeData get themeData => colorSchemeThemeData3;

the name of the desired ThemeData.

For using as template

  • Click on the repository page “Use this template”
  • Cloning our new repository
  • Changing pubspec.yaml

name: YourTitle
description: YourDescriptionIfExists
version: 1.0.0+1
  • Changing /android/app/build.gradle

 defaultConfig {
        //  Your own unique Application ID (https://developer.android.com/studio/build/application-id.html).
        applicationId "com.example.id"


A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it

Many widgets may not match the application. It’s better to see the source code (https://github.com/meg4cyberc4t/notify)

A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it
A template will help you choose a color scheme for the application, show how widgets interact with it

If you liked it or even used it

Please put an star or make a fork to your profile ❤️

For developers or kind people

You can make Issue, pull requests, offer your widgets. I am ready for any change to this repository for the better.


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