Mes: octubre 2021

  • Cryptospace App Built With Flutter

    Cryptospace Les utilisateurs cumulent des tokens de deux manières: -en effectuant des tâches quotidiennes ou hebdomadaires -en jouant aux mini-jeux de l’application. Après avoir atteint un nombre de tokens précis, il pourra troquer ce nombre de points avec un produit ou un service proposé par nos partenaires. L’application présente d’autres utilité tel que le fait d’être un portefeuille de crypto-monnaies: …

  • PyChat: Chat Application made in Flutter using Firebase

    PyChat Chat Application made in Flutter using Firebase. Also added animated splash screen with Pychat logo. Languages and Tools Used: Flutter Dart Firebase Description Place your google-services.json file into your app’s /android/app folder. Authentication used in this App Email, Password and Image upload. Screenshots Note This project is still under development. Created & Maintained by Vaibhav GitHub View Github

  • A Recipe Calculator App Built Using Flutter

    Made this app to help me in everyday cooking in cases where I want to recalculate ingredients of a recipe But I presume the Recipe Calculator could be used for other purposes outside the kitchen as well, where ever recipes are involved, and one needs ability to recalculate the amount of recipe ingredients, this app might help you do just …

  • App and Up Flutter Take Home Project

    Books App App and Up Flutter Take Home Project Introduction This project is the implementation of the App and Up Flutter Take Home Project. Requirements Authentication with Firebase Authentication (Email + at least one social), design of the required screens is up to you. Show a list of books gotten from the Google Books API Allow the user to search …

  • Flutter Material Design Navigation Drawer Menu

    navigation_drawer_menu Flutter Material Design Navigation Drawer Menu Navigation drawer is a common UI pattern for adaptive menus. The Material Design documentation formalizes the behavior of the menu but this pattern is not peculiar to Material Design. The pattern includes a basic Hamburger menu but isn’t limited to small screens. The menu pattern suits all screen sizes. On larger width screens …

  • An Android/iOS based NFT marketplace

    NFT Store Inspiration I first got the idea to create NFT Store by looking at the $69 million Beeple’s NFT. The piece of art is made from 5,000 tiles merged together into a common canvas. Nowadays, as blockchain technologies are booming around us, NFT means Non-fungible token is emerging vigorously, one of those is NFT Games. The “play-to-earn” movement is …

  • A flutter based app using python scripts as backend for a quotes app

    Fluthon APP A new Flutter project which is supported from a python script and lists quotes . Deployment 📲 -> /Script – python -> Run main.dart in the flutter project. -> Fill in the data (Eg:- Motivation/Inspiration) in the provided space. 🛠 Libraries Used Flask request jsonify BeautifulSoup 📱 Demo Quotes screen   LICENSE Licensed under the MIT LICENSE. …

  • A beautiful drawer for flutter

    flurry_drawer The repo is solving a problem with package flurry_navigation as it’s old any the owner didn’t update it. The drawer is very beautiful and many people likes it so much. For these reasons I push this repo for public to help them to add this beautful drawer to their projets. I wih this will help you. pixels.3.4.mp4 My Contacts …

  • A weather app created in Flutter with backend in Dart

    Flutter Weather A Flutter application to view current weather status. Features ✅ Beautiful minimal UI ✅ Dark and Light themes ✅ Current temperature, max and min temperature, sunset, sunrise ✅ Custom icons for each weather condition ✅ 5 day forecast ✅ Beautifully animated transitions ✅ BLoC pattern for API calls ✅ Line graph to show temperature variance Getting Started Prerequisites …

  • Aqua Workout App UI in Flutter

    Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. Video Tutorial YouTube (Preview) : YouTube (Part 1) : SUBSRIBE → I hope you liked it, and dont forget to like, subscribe, share …

  • Voice Changer Application With Flutter

    voice_changer Voice Changer Application Getting Started This is an application that records, plays, and changes the properties of sound (like pitch and echo…). It uses Flutter_FFMPEG to do the voice editing. Just clone the repo and run: flutter clean flutter pub get flutter pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs flutter run Here are some screenshots: GitHub View Github

  • Flutter Pet Adoption App

    Flutter Pet Adoption App This application was inspired by the amazing David Rodríguez’s app design, avaliable on Behance. This is the final UI. The navigatión across all the screen can be made just clicking in the assigned widget. The backend part is still beign evaluated. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine a video How to implement this …

  • Profile App Built With Flutter

    examination A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view ouronline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a …