TikTok Flutter

A TikTok Clone in Flutter and Firebase

Clone of TikTok with Flutter and Firebase.


-TikTok UI
-Swipe Videos
-Dynamic Video Data Source
-User Data (Name, Image)
-Animations(Image rotation)




1.-Clone or download this repository

git clone https://github.com/salvadordeveloper/TikTok-Flutter.git

2.-Config your Firebase instance and insert the google-service.json in android/app/ or ios/Runner

3.-Config flutter project :

flutter pub get


The app obtains the data from Firestore and Firebase Storage. The format is Firestore is :

A TikTok Clone in Flutter and Firebase

I use Firebase Storage for videos and Profile Pic’s, but you can set the URL to any server that you want.

A TikTok Clone in Flutter and Firebase


-System of User (Register, Login, Profile Screen).
-Upload Videos from the app


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