Mes: agosto 2021

  • Shared Backpack User App using flutter

    Shared Backpack User App Components The User app Section for the Shared-Backpack Project. Shared Backpack user app Comunity Impact The project focuses on Cheap Travel Level Group Travel Tech Stack Flutter (user app) Code of conduct Please read Code of conduct before contributing Installation Shared Backpack system prerequisites Flutter SDK Android Studio Clone and change into the project $ git …

  • A complete simple weather application build with flutter

    Weather app A complete simple weather application. Getting Started Get your own API key from: open weathe map aqicn Google Cloud Platform Setup for google Cloud API key: Go to Google Developers Console. Create a New Project. From Left Menu, go to Credentials section; click on Create Credentials and generate API KEY. Copy API KEY of the project. Again From …

  • Flutter UI Kits for mobile, tablet, desktop and web

    UIKits2 A complete UIs for mobile and tablet, which include 16 categories. Screenshots Tablet Screen Mobile Screen Start Screen Signup Screen Walkthrough Screen Loading Screen Profile Screen Feed Screen Article Screen Activity Screen Create Screen Chat Screen Contact Screen Store & Shop Screen Shopping Card Screen Navigation Photos Dashboard GitHub

  • A Flutter Recipe app with spoonacular API

    Flutter-Bloc-Recipe-app A Flutter Recipe app with spoonacular API. App Features. App includes 5,0000+ recipes. cost breakdown per servings. related Recipes. Auto Complete search Feature. Save recipes for letter. get random recipes. Everyday’s meal plan with nutritions. App Information Here,i created this app with Spoonacular open source food api and firebase to save recipes. In starting of the app add Auth …

  • Speaking Motivational App Build With Flutter

    Speaking Motivational App Speaking Motivational App Build With Flutter. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance …

  • ML Powered App to assist farmers in crop disease detection and alerts

    Plant_Disease_Detector AI powered plant disease detection and assistance platform currently available as an App and API. Download Product Apk here Machine Learning Python Notebook Solutions System to detect the problem when it arises and warn the farmers. Disease Detection using Machine Learning Model enabled through Android app which uses Flask API. Solution to overcome the problem once it arises. Remedy …

  • A full-fledged one-to-one chat app developed entirely in Flutter

    Enigma Enigma – A minimalist, locked-down one-to-one chat app. Enigma Enigma – A minimalist, locked-down one-to-one chat app. Usage Flutter – Get Started Since this is a Firebase dependent project, create a Firebase Project and enable Firebase Phone Authentication (for authentication) Cloud Firestore (not Realtime Database) Firebase Storage (for storing images) Firebase In-App Messaging (for custom messages) After enabling the …

  • Pokedex app built with Flutter using Clean Architecture

    Flutter Pokedex Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture App preview Video demo Installation Add Flutter to your machine Open this project folder with Terminal/CMD and run flutter packages get Run flutter run to build and run the debug app on your emulator/phone Todos [x] Home [x] Home – Apply Sliver effect in home screen …

  • Managing a Fashion designer’s daily routine app with flutter

    TailorMade Managing a Fashion designer’s daily routine TailorMade is what actually started out as an experiment with Flutter, flutter_redux ReBLoC and Firebase Cloud Functions but instead turned out to be a valuable tool for managing a Fashion designer’s daily routine. It is clean, easy on the eyes and overall has a very smooth feel. It also handles offline use cases …

  • Beautiful flutter app for downloading Instagram stories

    Instory Beautiful flutter app for downloading Instagram stories Demo video Dependencies used video_player http dio path_provider permission_handler For help getting started with Flutter, viewonline documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. GitHub

  • A Flutter package which helps developers in creating walkthrough of their app

    flutter_walkthrough A new Flutter package for both android and iOS which helps developers in creating animated walkthrough of their app. Usage Example To use this package : add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_walkthrough: How to use class TestScreen extends StatelessWidget { /*here we have a list of walkthroughs which we want to have, each …

  • Challenging UI & digital designs using Flutter

    Weekend With Flutter This is my new challenge. Every weekend, I want to implement challenging UI & digital designs using Flutter. you can join me with #WeekendWithFlutter hashtag in twitter. Solved Challenges Ring Spinners I find this graphic in this tweet. This is how the result looks like. Source Result GitHub

  • Koel Player, The Official Mobile App For Koel Build With Flutter

    Koel Player The mobile app for Koel, which provides a complete mobile app experience and doesn’t have the limitations of the mobile web version. Supports both iOS and Android. Download You can, of course, build the project and install the app on your own. Contribution Koel Player is built on Flutter and Dart. If you’re new to Flutter, here are …

  • Private, cross-platform package tracking app Build With Flutter

    LibreTrack Private, cross-platform package tracking app. Track postal items directly on your device using accounts of postal services. The app respects your privacy and freedom: you don’t use third-party online services. Private, cross-platform package tracking app. Track postal items directly on your device using accounts of postal services. The app respects your privacy and freedom: you don’t use third-party online …

  • A basic demonstration for creating a Jardinains Game in Flutter

    Jardinains Flutter A basic demonstration for creating a Jardinains (Fancy Pong-Like) Game in Flutter Demo Note: For optimal performance run the project in profile mode using command such as: flutter run -d chrome –profile (The command above is for web, replace «chrome» with your target platform) For more details on how to run your project in profile mode, Click Here …

  • Cash Balancer App Build With Flutter

    Cash Balancer It is too hard to balance money across different assets and accounts. Spreadsheets are too hostile; banks are too complex. This app should help you understand your finances without the help of an expert. It works basically as a finance calculator for asset allocation: you put what you have, how much you want to have (%), and check …