Mes: agosto 2021

  • Exam and training app as social media developed with flutter

    Dev Ex (Complete flutter application) Exam and training app as social media, prepared with Firebase backend services, Bloc State management, Singleton design pattern, Unit and widget tests, firebase mocking, Custom local libraries, etc. (Dev Exam) application have been developed with flutter + firebase backaend service. It’s a online exam and learning platform for developers. Features Login, Register, Changing password (with …

  • Desktop Todo App Build With Flutter

    Glory Todo Desktop My goal is to accept my inexperience without worrying about the plugin shortcomings of Flutter Desktop. Creating a simple application to solve my own problems. Because no mission app meets exactly what I need. That’s why I decided to do my best. I would be very happy if you try the first decisions when I reach the …

  • A Spicy chatting app build with flutter

    snack_chat A Chatroom application designed to chat about your favorite snacks with others Firebase Schema: chat_rooms – icon (string) – id (string) – This is the document ID – message (string) – snacks_sent (int) – title (string) chat – chat_icon_color (string) – chatroom_id (string) – message (string) – send_date (timestamp) – user_email (string) – username (string) user – username (string) …

  • A Flutter App designed based on Nubank Vida

    Seguros I was challenged to create an App with only the Nubank life insurance part and fix some UI issues. Flutter This is a Flutter App, designed based on Nubank Vida. Solutions (or almost) Changing the color of the statusbar when the image ends Creating a pattern for navigation between modals Creating patterns in the use of shadows GitHub