Notes App
A clean, simple and modern note taking app built with Flutter. Be sure to leave a star 🌟
- Create notes: Create notes that store locally to device.
- Edit notes: Edit notes that were previously created.
- Lockable notes (WIP): Lock notes with a password.
- Pinnable notes: Pin notes to the top of the list.
- User stats: Stats for the user’s notes such as total notes, words written etc.
- Search notes (FIX NEEDED): Filter out notes with the search bar.
- Desktop Version (WIP): Supports desktop (MacOS currently, other platforms have not been tested as of now).
- canton_design_system: Link to repository
- persistent_bottom_nav_bar:
- shared_preferences:
- intl:
- flutter_slidable:
- [ ] Add Notebooks to store notes
- [ ] Add Animations
- [ ] Make app responsive
- [ ] Face ID to unlock note
- [ ] Add Firebase
- [ ] GitHub Authentication
- [ ] Google Authentication
- [ ] Analytics
- [ ] Fix sortList() method
- [ ] Fix Create Password before creating note glitch
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