Pensil Teaching App
Pensil Teach App is an education platform created specifically for the tutors of the digital age. Pensil Teaching app reduce gap between tutor and students and form a bridge no matter how far they are.
App Screenshots
Login | Verify OTP | Home | Batch Detail |
Assignment List | Videos List | Docs List | Create Batch |
Create Batch | Select Students | Select Students | Upload Material |
Upload Study Material | Upload Video | Upload Assignment |
Project Setup
Click to expand
1. Flutter Environment Setup
2. Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd flutter_pensil_app/
3. Setup the firebase app (Used for Google authentication)
- You’ll need to create a Firebase instance. Follow the instructions at
- Once your Firebase instance is created, you’ll need to enable Google authentication.
Go to the Firebase Console for your new instance.
Click «Authentication» in the left-hand menu
Click the «sign-in method» tab
Click «Google» and enable it
Create an app within your Firebase instance for Android, with package name >
Run the following command to get your SHA-1 key:
keytool -exportcert -list -v
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
In the Firebase console, in the settings of your Android app, add your SHA-1 key by clicking «Add Fingerprint».
Download google-services.json
- (skip if not running on iOS)
- Create an app within your Firebase instance for iOS, with your app package name
- Follow instructions to download GoogleService-Info.plist
- Open XCode, right click the Runner folder, select the «Add Files to ‘Runner'» menu, and select the GoogleService-Info.plist file to add it to /ios/Runner in XCode
- Open /ios/Runner/Info.plist in a text editor. Locate the CFBundleURLSchemes key. The second item in the array value of this key is specific to the Firebase instance. Replace it with the value for REVERSED_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist
Project Structure
Click to expand
|-- lib
| |-- build.yaml
| |-- config
| | |-- config.dart
| | '-- configs.dart
| |-- helper
| | |-- constants.dart
| | |-- enum.dart
| | |-- images.dart
| | |-- shared_prefrence_helper.dart
| | '-- utility.dart
| |-- locator.dart
| |-- main.dart
| |-- model
| | |-- actor_model.dart
| | |-- batch_meterial_model.dart
| | |-- batch_model.dart
| | | (8 more...)
| | |-- quiz_model.dart
| | |-- subject.dart
| | '-- video_model.dart
| |-- resources
| | |-- contact_service.dart
| | |-- exceptions
| | | '-- exceptions.dart
| | |-- repository
| | | |-- batch_repository.dart
| | | '-- teacher
| | | '-- teacher_repository.dart
| | '-- service
| | |-- api_gatway.dart
| | |-- api_gatway_impl.dart
| | |-- dio_client.dart
| | |-- notification_service.dart
| | '-- session
| | |-- session.dart
| | '-- session_impl.dart
| |-- states
| | |-- auth
| | | '-- auth_state.dart
| | |-- base_state.dart
| | |-- home_state.dart
| | |-- notificaion
| | | '-- notification_state.dart
| | |-- quiz
| | | '-- quiz_state.dart
| | '-- teacher
| | |-- announcement_state.dart
| | |-- batch_detail_state.dart
| | |-- create_batch_state.dart
| | |-- material
| | | '-- batch_material_state.dart
| | |-- poll_state.dart
| | '-- video
| | '-- video_state.dart
| '-- ui
| |-- app.dart
| |-- kit
| | |-- alert.dart
| | '-- overlay_loader.dart
| |-- page
| | |-- announcement
| | | '-- create_announcement.dart
| | |-- auth
| | | |-- forgot_password.dart
| | | |-- login.dart
| | | |-- signup.dart
| | | |-- update_password.dart
| | | |-- verify_Otp.dart
| | | '-- widgets
| | | '-- Otp_widget.dart
| | |-- batch
| | | |-- batch_master_page.dart
| | | |-- create_batch
| | | | |-- create_batch.dart
| | | | |-- device_contacts_page.dart
| | | | |-- search_student_delegate.dart
| | | | '-- widget
| | | | |-- add_students_widget.dart
| | | | |-- batch_time_slots.dart
| | | | '-- search_batch_delegate.dart
| | | |-- pages
| | | | |-- batch_assignment_page.dart
| | | | |-- detail
| | | | | |-- batch_detail_page.dart
| | | | | '-- student_list.dart
| | | | |-- material
| | | | | |-- batch_study_material_page.dart
| | | | | |-- upload_material.dart
| | | | | '-- widget
| | | | | '-- batch_material_card.dart
| | | | |-- quiz
| | | | | |-- quiz_list_page.dart
| | | | | |-- result
| | | | | | |-- quiz_result_page.dart
| | | | | | '-- view_quiz_solution.dart
| | | | | '-- start
| | | | | |-- start_quiz.dart
| | | | | '-- widget
| | | | | |-- question_count_section.dart
| | | | | '-- timer.dart
| | | | '-- video
| | | | |-- add_video_page.dart
| | | | |-- batch_videos_page.dart
| | | | |-- video_player_pag2e.dart
| | | | |-- video_player_page.dart
| | | | |-- video_preview.dart
| | | | '-- widget
| | | | '-- batch_video_Card.dart
| | | '-- widget
| | | '-- tile_action_widget.dart
| | |-- common
| | | |-- pdf_view.dart
| | | |-- splash.dart
| | | '--
| | |-- home
| | | |-- home_Scaffold.dart
| | | |-- home_page_student.dart
| | | |-- home_page_teacher.dart
| | | |-- student_list_preview.dart
| | | '-- widget
| | | |-- announcement_widget.dart
| | | |-- batch_widget.dart
| | | '-- poll_widget.dart
| | |-- notification
| | | '-- notifications_page.dart
| | '-- poll
| | |-- View_all_poll_page.dart
| | |-- create_poll.dart
| | '-- poll_option_widget.dart
| |-- theme
| | |-- extentions.dart
| | |-- light_color.dart
| | |-- text_theme.dart
| | '-- theme.dart
| '-- widget
| |-- fab
| | |-- animated_fab.dart
| | '-- fab_button.dart
| |-- form
| | |-- p_textfield.dart
| | '-- validator.dart
| |-- image_viewer.dart
| |-- p_avatar.dart
| |-- p_button.dart
| |-- p_chiip.dart
| |-- p_loader.dart
| |-- p_title_text.dart
| |-- secondary_app_bar.dart
| '-- url_Text.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
Click to expand
- intl
- dio
- share
- share
- dartz
- get_it
- freezed
- provider
- equatable
- file_picker
- filter_list
- build_runner
- url_launcher
- add_thumbnail
- image_picker
- firebase_auth
- firebase_core
- google_sign_in
- json_annotation
- webview_flutter
- contacts_service
- permission_handler
- firebase_messaging
- json_serializable
- freezed_annotation
- shared_preferences
- advance_pdf_viewer
- cached_network_image
- cached_network_image
- flutter_launcher_icons
This Pensil teaching app uses Node.JS + V8-Engine (Based on Express) in backend to store,retrive and perform logical operation on data for the application.
The pensil-app-backend repo contains the server side code.
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