Flutter | Firebase CRUD with GetX Provider

FitTrack App with GetX Provider, Lottie Animation and Firebase

flutter_fittrackFitTrack App with GetX Provider, Lottie Animation and Firebase

FitTrack App with GetX Provider, Lottie Animation and Firebase

Flutter Fittrack Firebase CRUD

Getting Started

Firebase CRUD with GetX Provider

This project implements CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on Firebase database using GetX Provider for state management.

What’s included in this project?

Google Login: Users can sign in with their Google account.

Apple Login: Users can sign in with their Apple ID.

Firebase Email/Password Login: Users can sign in with their email and password registered on Firebase Authentication.
Firebase CRUD operations: Users can create, read, update and delete data on Firebase database.
Lottie Animation: Animations created with Lottie library are used to enhance the user experience.
GetX Provider: State management is handled using GetX Provider library.

Description of each feature

Google Login: Users can sign in with their Google account by clicking on the Google button on the login page. The authentication is done using Firebase Authentication.

Apple Login: Users can sign in with their Apple ID by clicking on the Apple button on the login page. The authentication is done using Firebase Authentication.

Firebase Email/Password Login: Users can sign in with their email and password registered on Firebase Authentication. The authentication is done using Firebase Authentication.

Firebase CRUD operations: Users can create, read, update and delete data on Firebase database by providing the necessary information in the corresponding fields and clicking on the corresponding button.

Lottie Animation: Animations created with Lottie library are used to enhance the user experience. For example, an animation is shown while the app is loading.

GetX Provider: State management is handled using GetX Provider library. This allows for a cleaner and more organized code, making it easier to add new features to the app.


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