Fluent Reader Lite
A simplistic mobile RSS client.
Stable Version
The stable version of the app will be released on App Store and Google Play Store when it is ready.
Beta Version
- iOS: Download from TestFlight
- Android: Download from GitHub Releases
Desktop App
The repo of the full-featured desktop app can be found here.
Fluent Reader Lite is a simplistic, cross-platform, and open-source RSS client.
The following self-hosted or commercial RSS services are supported.
- Fever API (TT-RSS Fever plugin, Fresh RSS, Miniflux, etc.)
- Google Reader API (Bazqux Reader, The Old Reader, etc.)
- Inoreader
- Feedbin (official or self-hosted)
Other key features include:
- Dark mode for UI and reading.
- Configure sources to load full content or webpage by default.
- A dedicated subscriptions tab organized by latest updates with article titles.
- Search for local articles or filter by read status.
- Organize subscriptions with groups.
- Support for two-pane view on iPad and Android tablets.
The following features from the desktop app are NOT present:
- Local RSS support and source / group management.
- Importing or exporting OPML files, full application data backup & restoration.
- Regular expression rules that mark articles as they arrive.
- Fetch articles in the background and send push notifications.
- Keyboard shortcuts.
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