Waktu solat Malaysia

Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter

App waktu solat seluruh Malaysia. Prayer time app across Malaysia.

Focusing on lightweight, fast app, easy-to-use and modern UI.

App UI

GIF Screenshot
Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter


Malaysia Prayer Time JSON API

Changelogs History

Wondering what changed with every :new: releases? Or what bug :bug: has been fixed? View more here

Report an issue / Feature request

Found a bug (or bugs)? Report issue related to the app using in app problem reporter, or file them directly on issue tracker.

Have an idea :bulb: that may benefit the app? Do not hesitate to submit your suggestion here. Really appreciated if you do.


You can also use Discussions ask any question or suggesting any idea using. Kita sembang2 santai je gituu :relaxed:

Web app (Beta)

Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter

App Releases

Get it on:

Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter
Waktu solat app for Android Made with Flutter

*i having some trouble to update the app in App Gallery. It might out of date for a few versions.

Not available for iOS sorry


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