Responsive and Animated Portfolio Website & App using flutter

Responsive-and-Animated-Portfolio-Flutter Responsive and Animated Portfolio Website & App – Flutter UI Live Preview Packages we are using: flutter_svg: link goole_fonts: link animated_text_kit: link Fonts Poppins link Today we will show you how you can create your developer portfolio website and app using flutter. We also add animation which works perfectly on mobile and the web. Responsive and Animated Portfolio Website …

A client for Pleroma and Mastodon instances written using Flutter

Fedi for Pleroma and Mastodon Fedi is open-source client for Pleroma and Mastodon social networks written using Flutter. Pleroma and Mastodon are parts of Fediverse (decentralized social network). The main idea of Fediverse – nobody owns Fediverse. Anybody can run their server instance and use it to communicate with other people. So Fedi is an open-source mobile client for social …

A font catalogue app made with flutter

Fontina An app which showcases a personally curated collection of fonts. Written in flutter, cross-platform and responsive. Uses the Fontgen API to display and pair fonts. Features Beautiful design Supports multiple platforms View fonts in real-time scenarios Filter fonts by type, weight and price Favourite fonts which you like Caching of data on supported platforms to work offline Price of …

A simple 2D multiplayer online game built using Flutter and Flame engine

Club Penguin Club Penguin A multiplayer game involving penguins and anonymous chat in a virtual 2D world Before we start, you can take a look at the app: Usage 🎨 To clone and run this application, you’ll need git and flutter installed on your computer. From your command line: # Clone this repository $ git clone # Go into …

Space Themed Turn-Based Strategy Game developed in Flutter

Space Empires Space Empires A 4X Space themed Strategy Game made with Flutter. Usage 🎨 To clone and run this application, you’ll need git and flutter installed on your computer. From your command line: # Clone this repository $ git clone # Go into the repository $ cd space_empires # Install dependencies $ flutter packages get # Run the …

App dos Carros com Flutter e Clean Architecture

Carros Flutter – App Exemplo com Clean Architecture Possui apenas 3 telas para facilitar o entendimento. Arquitetura Baseado na proposta do Reso Coder: ( Testes (Unit / Widget) O app possui testes em todas as camadas: Testes de Widget Presenter (ViewModel) UseCase / Domain Repository DataSource / API Run Tests flutter test –coverage Test Code Coverage Testes de Integração Além …

A Clone of Nubank’s mobile app using Flutter

Nubank Clone Clone do aplicativo mobile da Nubank utilizando Flutter Este projeto se trata de uma recriação bem próxima da interface do app do Nubank utilizando Flutter. O intuito é exclusivamente para aprendizado e não deve ser utilizado comercialmente. Todas imagens e ícones são propriedades da Nubank. Screenshots Executando Instale o Flutter Clone este repositório git clone Baixe as …

An expressive way to effortlessly build design systems in Flutter

mix An expressive way to effortlessly build design systems in Flutter. Mix offers primitive building blocks to help developers and designers create beautiful and consistent UI. Important Mix is currently being used internally to build design systems in Flutter. However, it is still in the experimental development stages. Major APIs are expected to change until the 1.0 release. Motivation & …

18 Best Flutter UI Kit Templates of 2021

Flutter UI Kit User interface (UI) kits can be handy when you need to create a Flutter App quickly, without compromising aesthetics or usability. To help get you up and running quickly with your next app in flutter, we have curated this collection of 18 Best Flutter UI Kit Templates. We hope you will find them all useful. 1.DevKit – …

A Rent a Car App Build With Flutter

Rent a Car With Flutter A new Flutter application. Frontend Side of project Rent a Car on Flutter Upgraded to Flutter 2 and enabled Null Safety. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful …