Crypto Loss Gain Calculator App build with Flutter

Crypto Loss Gain Calculator Crypto Loss Gain Calculator App build with Flutter. It developed with DDD (Domain Driven Design) principles. Flutter with DDD In Flutter development, DDD might be used with different state management libraries; such as BLOC, provider, redux… This project uses Provider. The directory of the project is mainly seperated into 4 subdirectories: Application, Domain, Presentation, Infrastructure. Each …

A flutter app bridges the Gap between Tutors and Learners

Ajent An app bridges the Gap between Tutors and Learners . Features Multiple sign-in providers (Google, Facebook, Phone – OTP) Course management (support both course for teaching or learning) Course searching Course evaluation Request management Realtime chatting Course in-app sharing Push notifications Multiple languages Tech Stack Client: Flutter (Dart) Server: Firebase State Management: GetX (MVC model) Installation Clone the project …

A Simple Workout Timer App Built With Flutter

Just Another Workout Timer A simple timer for your workouts, built with Flutter! About The Project Create complex workouts easily Define your own exercises with custom durations Add exercises to custom sets Text-to-Speech announcements Modern Material Design built with Flutter Ad-free Free and Open-Source Screenshots How To Backup & Restore Your Workouts Just Another Workout Timer saves your workouts to …

Fully customisable Neumorphic Containers for flutter

neumorphic_container Fully customisable Neumorphic Containers for your flutter projects. Getting Started In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency: dependencies: … neumorphic_container: «^0.0.1+2» In your library add the following import: import ‘package:neumorphic_container/neumorphic_container.dart’; For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation. Usage Simple Container: For best results, set the background color of a surrounding widget to …

A flutter app aimed at helping people getting their vitals using Photoplethysmography

Upcharika A unique flutter application aimed at helping people getting their vitals using Photoplethysmography and Computer Vision Current Goals: Use the camera and flash sensors to calculate Heart Rate Use the camera and flash sensors to calcuate SP02 Make a dashboard for storing periodic readings User Profile Login Page Sign Up Page Splash Screen Firebase/Supabase Intergration for Authentication Generate Reports …

A implementation of Flx Design System for Flutter

Paper Paper is a implementation of Flx Design System for Flutter. Installing Add a lines like this to your pubspec.yaml. dependencies: paper: git: url: ref: vX.X.X After replace X.X.X of the prefer version of package on github releases page. Next step is will run command flutter pub get. Importing Now in your Dart code, import paper like on example. …

A Flutter app for demonstrating how to perform network requests using the Dio package

Networking in Flutter using Dio This is a sample Flutter app for demonstrating how to perform network requests using the Dio package. For this demo API provided by REQ | RES is used. The functionalities of Dio showcased in this app are as follows: GET request POST request PUT request DELETE request Base options Uploading files Interceptors Demonstration Request Type …

A vocab app built with Flutter and Supabase

Vocabhub 0.2.2 A vocab app built with Flutter and Supabase. View Demo View Github Platform Android iOS MacOS Web Contributing Feel Free to contribute to this app, Data being collected from this sheet. Contribution does not necessarily mean sending a pull request you could also contribute by improving the sheet. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a …