A tourism mobile app using flutter

adopt-an-item A tourism mobile app using flutter. Built With Flutter Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. Prerequisites This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them. * flutter run Installation Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/sahilkargutkar/palghar-tourism.git Usage Use this space to …

A Quiz Game Build With Flutter

Flutter-Game-Of-Questions I made a simple flutter question and answer application to learn all the basics of the language. It was a very interesting experience, but I know I still have a lot to learn with this new technology that fascinates me with every line. lessons learned Widgets Widget Tree Widget Update Column StatelessWidget Private Members CallBacks Map Lists Installation OS …

A complete app developed in Flutter and SQL Server

GetDoctor GetDoctor is a complete app developed in Flutter, Firebase and Blazor,DotNet Core API and SQL Server GetDoctor is a complete package of Online Doctor Appointment and Scheduler.It is a very simple process to manage everything, getting appointed with the doctors, and a very easy login process for doctors,patients, assistants, and staff. Additionally, this system is the perfect package for …

COVID-19 application made with Flutter

Covid App COVID-19 application made with Flutter, following Test Driven Development (TDD) and Clean Architecture along with Internationalization with JSON and CI/CD workflow. Features: Ths project has several features: Fetch Covid cases and latest news related to COVID-19 from APIs. Cache data in local storage, use when no internet connection is available. Error handling for Server failure and Cache failure. …

Simple tool to open WhatsApp chat without saving the number using flutter

OpenWp Simple tool to open WhatsApp chat without saving the number, developed using Google’s Flutter Framework. for Android/ IOS/ Desktop/ Web Built With examples. Flutter Dart Getting Started This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. Prerequisites For help …

An education platform created in flutter

Pensil Teaching App Pensil Teach App is an education platform created specifically for the tutors of the digital age. Pensil Teaching app reduce gap between tutor and students and form a bridge no matter how far they are. App Screenshots Login Verify OTP Home Batch Detail Assignment List Videos List Docs List Create Batch Create Batch Select Students Select Students …

Flutter Cryptocurrency App with Riverpod & Freezed + Dio for API REST

Flutter Crypto APP Complete Flutter Application with Riverpod & Freezed + Dio for API REST. Features API REST (CryptoWatch) Linear Graph View (Hour, Day, Week, etc) OHLC Graph Search Light / Dark Theme Multi Language Exchange Selection Favorite Pair Stack Flutter 2.2.0 (Null Safety) Riverpod + Hooks Freezed Dio Testing Unit Testing (flutter_test) Integration Testing (integration_test) Mock Data (http_mock_adapter) Github …

A flutter boilerplate containing bloc, pedantic, hive, easy_translations and more

Flutter Production Boilerplate A flutter project containing bloc, flutter_lints, hive, easy_translations and more! This repository is the starting point for my personal projects. If you have any suggestions or improvements feel free to let me know. The project strives to implement best practices recommended by Google and other developers. These best practices include but are not limited to: Using BLOC …