pass-flutter A Flutter library for work with Apple Wallet passes. How use it Getting pass from URL to internal memory import ‘package:pass_flutter/pass_flutter.dart’; PassFile passFile = await Pass().saveFromUrl(url: ‘https://link_to_pass/pass.pkpass’); Getting list of all saved passes import ‘package:pass_flutter/pass_flutter.dart’; List<PassFile> passes = await Pass().getAllSaved(); Fetch preview from url and save it import ‘package:pass_flutter/pass_flutter.dart’; PassFile passFile = await Pass().fetchPreviewFromUrl(url: ‘https://link_to_pass/pass.pkpass’);; or delete it …
Mes: febrero 2021
The Assistant for Scrap Mechanic App
Assistant for Scrap Mechanic This will be an app to help the players of the game Scrap Mechanic. The goal is to have a responsive Flutter app that will look good on mobile devices as well as larger screens. Then I will use Flutter web in order to have 1 codebase for Android, iOS and Web. Builds and Releases Android …
A simple flight booking app build with flutter
Uber Air UberAir is a flutter based school project which uses skyscanner API and Firebase . Features 📱 Select Date Get airport from skyscanner API Select Passenger Get flights from skyscanner API Google authentication Tools 💻 Flutter Vscode Skyscanner Firebase GitHub
A movies app made with Flutter
Flutter Movies App An application made with Flutter to practice the principles of Clean Architecture. Even being focused on architecture, the project also has a beautiful UI. Getting Started Note: You already need to have Flutter installed. # clone the repo git clone # move to the cloned repo cd flutter-movies-app # get dependencies flutter pub get # run …
A beautiful animated onboarding app with flutter
Animated Onboarding This flutter app is made just to demonstrate how to we can make an animated onboarding experience that looks beautiful and provides a good user experience as well. App Design Download App Note : Uploaded apk is a fat apk which works on armeabi-v7a (ARM 32-bit), arm64-v8a (ARM 64-bit), and x86-64 (x86 64-bit). If you want small size …
Flashcard and Kanji writing Flutter App
KanjiMaru Flashcard and Kanji writing mobile app made in Flutter. After a somewhat long hiatus, I have decided to resume this Hobby Project of mine. As I have been frustrated by the fact that apps on the market do not provide a ‘good’ way to learn to write Japanese Characters, I have decided to create my own app. Inspired by …
A Hacker News client built with Flutter
Zone for Hacker News Zone is yet another Hacker News client, built with Flutter, Slidy, and Hacker News API. Setup Clone this repo to your machine Requirements Android SDK tools Android platform tools Dart Flutter Slidy Build # install slidy pub global activate slidy # build apks for android slidy run apk GitHub
A VPN app template built with Flutter
VPN app template a template for a VPN app. NOT a working app The cross platform application for the v2board project. resources Mohammad Reza Farahzad’s design flat flags flutter icons Screenshots GitHub
A Flutter application built to help people learning Japanese learn about Kanji
Manji Manji is a Flutter application built to help people learning Japanese learn about Kanji. On the surface, Manji is just a Japanese dictionary, but it can actually do more than that: Handwritten kanji recognition Image kanji extraction Kanji card Kanji quiz generated dynamically based on selected groups of kanji Therotically, Manji is cross-platform since it is powered by Flutter, …
A simple movies app build it with flutter
Movies App This is a simple app build it with flutter. Features: 📘 Get movies from Search movies See details movies and casting Tools: 💻 Flutter Animation Hero Widget Flutter Swipper VSCode GitHub