Image_input A pacakage to be used for image input in flutter. Getting Started Import image_input package import ‘package:image_input/image_input.dart’; Profile Avatar ProfileAvatar( radius: 100, allowEdit: true, backgroundColor: Colors.grey, addImageIcon: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100), ), child: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Icon(Icons.add_a_photo), ), ), removeImageIcon: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100), ), child: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: …
Categoría: Input
Categoría agregada por el Plugin WPeMatico
A Flutter package that provides an easy-to-use and customizable Pin code input field
Flutter Pinput From Flutter Pinput is a package that provides an easy-to-use and customizable Pin code input field. It offers several features such as animated decoration switching, form validation, SMS autofill, custom cursor, copying from clipboard, and more. It also provides beautiful examples that you can choose from. If you are using Flutter version <3.7.0 you have to use Pinput …
A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along
intl_phone_number_field A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with the country code. Usage InternationalPhoneNumberInput Available Parameters InternationalPhoneNumberInput( height: 60, controller: controller, inputFormatters: const [], formatter: MaskedInputFormatter(‘### ### ## ##’), initCountry: CountryCodeModel( name: «United States», dial_code: «+1», code: «US»), betweenPadding: 23, onChanged: (phone) { print(phone.code); }, loadFromJson: loadFromJson, dialogConfig: DialogConfig( backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF444448), searchBoxBackgroundColor: const Color(0xFF56565a), searchBoxIconColor: const …
A Flutter package for effortlessly binding input fields to variables
AutoBindingField A AutoBindingField package that automatically updates input field state based on bound variable changes, and vice versa. Demo Usage Simply import the package and use the AutoBindingField widget in your Flutter app. Here is an example: int? age; AutoBindingNumField( value: age, type: NumberType.onlyPositiveInt, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { age=value as int?; }); }, decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: ‘Age’), ), Example …
FlutGPT utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model to generate text based on user inputs
FlutGPT This repository contains the source code for a ChatGPT Android app built using Flutter. The app utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model to generate text based on user inputs. The Flutter framework allows for fast and beautiful UI development, making the app an enjoyable experience for users. Explore the code to learn more about integrating language models with Flutter and …
A flutter text input widget for visually typing separated lists, such as a list of email recipients
Provides you a textfield and accompanying controller that users can visually type separated lists into, such as a list of email recipients. Features Textfield that creates a list as you type Handy controller than can be used with other text fields for more customisation. Remove from list with normal backspace. Getting started Add the package to your project pubspec.yaml listtextfield: …
Animated Credit Card Input Form using Flutter
Animated Credit Card Input Form using Flutter This is a simple credit card input form using flutter. You can use this form in your flutter app to take credit card details from the user. This form is animated and has a nice UI. You can also use this form to take credit card details in your flutter web app. You’ll …
A simple flutter package for inputting phone number in international format
Intl Phone Number Input A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google’s libphonenumber CustomDecoration CustomBorder Default Web What’s new Null Safety Migration Upgraded dependencies Breaking Change Depreciated SelectorConfig.backgroundColor and replaced with Theme.of(context).canvasColor Fixed Dominican Republic dial_code at country_list.dart #196 Fixed change country when initialValue is set with the widget #170 Fixed …
Flutter project to prompt yaml inputs for audio recording
Promptme Flutter project to prompt yaml inputs for audio recording and give cool features like : Play / Pause / Jump back / Jump forth at any time Edit prompted text on pause (WIP) Export modifications (WIP) Record audio directly from the app (WIP) Full support desktop Currently, i’m only testing desktop. I’ll make adjustment for mobile one day :’) …
Number Text Input Formatter for Flutter
Number Text Input Formatter Number Text Input Formatter for Flutter. Installation # Add into pubspec.yaml dependencies: number_text_input_formatter: ^1.0.0+1 Usage For number TextField( inputFormatters: [ NumberTextInputFormatter( integerDigits: 10, decimalDigits: 2, maxValue: ‘1000000000.00’, decimalSeparator: ‘.’, groupDigits: 3, groupSeparator: ‘,’ allowNegative: false, overrideDecimalPoint: true, insertDecimalPoint: false, insertDecimalDigits: true, ), ], keyboardType: TextInputType.number, ), For currency TextField( inputFormatters: [CurrencyTextInputFormatter()], keyboardType: TextInputType.number, ), For percentage …
A simple flutter input widget to add @ mentions functionality to your app
📛 Flutter Mentions A simple flutter input widget to add @ mentions functionality to your app Install 📦 To use this package, add flutter_mentions as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. You will need to add flutter_mentions to your pubspec.yaml: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_mentions: Then, run flutter packages get in your terminal. Usage 💻 To use this package you …
A flutter widget for using the specific inputfield for the specific platform
platform_text_input Introduction This project provides an amazing widget for using the specific inputfield for the specific platform Example class _HomeState extends State<Home> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( color:, child: Center( child: MTextFormField( controller: _usernameController, focusNode: _usernameFocus, keyboardType: TextInputType.text, textInputAction:, inputDecorator: InputDecoration( labelText: «username», errorText: «username error», ), onChanged: (value) { _store.username = value; }, onFieldSubmitted: …
A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with country code
International Phone Field Package A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with country code. This widget can be used to make customised text field to take phone number input for any country along with an option to choose country code from a dropdown. Screenshots Installing To use this package: Run this command: flutter pub add intl_phone_field Or, …
A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google’s libphonenumber
Intl Phone Number Input A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google’s libphonenumber CustomDecoration CustomBorder Default Web What’s new Null Safety Migration Upgraded dependencies Breaking Change Depreciated SelectorConfig.backgroundColor and replaced with Theme.of(context).canvasColor Fixed Dominican Republic dial_code at country_list.dart #196 Fixed change country when initialValue is set with the widget #170 Fixed …
Flutter phone input integrated with flutter internationalization
phone_form_field Flutter phone input integrated with flutter internationalization. Features Totally cross platform, this is a dart only package / dependencies Internationalization support, without bloated json with all translations. Phone number validation Extends Flutter’s FormField Uses dart phone_numbers_parser for parsing Demo Demo available at Usage PhoneFormField( initialValue: phoneNumber, autofocus: true, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: ‘Phone’, border: OutlineInputBorder(), // … ), onChanged: …
Input fields for Flutter standalone or within a form
flutter_input This package provides input widgets (fields) to manipulate data. The data to manipulate is either a single variable or an entry in a map. The map can even be nested. Parameter path defines the key to access the entry in the map. To access an entry in a nested map, the keys must be separated by a single slash …
A verification code input widget with flutter
verify_code_input A verification code input widget. Usage VerifyCodeInput( onComplete: (String value) { print(‘Your input code is : $value’); }, ) GitHub
Simple character blocked input that usually used for redeem code
Block Input Simple character blocked input that usually used for redeem code or validation code input. Gallery Usage BlockInput( blockInputKeyboardType: BlockInputKeyboardType.number, blockInputStyle: BlockInputStyle( backgroundColor: Colors.black12, border: OutlineInputBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)), borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.deepOrange, width: 1) ), focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)), borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.blueAccent, width: 2) ) ), inputSize: 6, ) Todo Input Controller Input Listener More Extensive Styles GitHub
A beautiful UX through animation of credit card information input form with flutter
Flutter-Credit-Card-Input-Form This package provides visually beautiful UX through animation of credit card information input form. Installing Add dependency to pubspec.yaml Get the latest version in the ‘Installing’ tab on dependencies: credit_card_input_form: ^1.3.1 Import the package import ‘package:credit_card_input_form/credit_card_input_form.dart’; Adding CreditCardInputForm With optional parameters CreditCardInputForm( cardHeight: 170, frontCardColor:, backCardColor: Colors.blueAccent, showResetButton : true, onStateChange: (currentState, cardInfo) { print(currentState); print(cardInfo); }, …
Material & Cupertino SpinBox for Flutter
SpinBox for Flutter SpinBox for Flutter is a numeric input widget with an input field for entering a specific value, and spin buttons for quick, convenient, and accurate value adjustments. Guidelines Spin boxes are best suited for such applications that deal with large numeric value ranges and high precisions, where users typically know upfront the exact value they are entering, …