Mes: septiembre 2021

  • A Flutter project to replicate audio chat functionality as seen in popular instant messaging app

    audio_chat A Flutter project to to replicate audio chat functionality as seen in popular instant messaging applications. Dependencies The project makes use of the following open source packages just_audio – To interact with audio files from application document storage. font_awesome_flutter – Font Awesome provides a great set of Icon to use in your application. permission_handler – A package to handle …

  • Facebook Clone made with Flutter

    Flutter-Facebook-Clone Project img : Home screen Splash screen Logo another img another img another img Note !! : Please include your photos to show 🐱‍👤 made with algeria 🖤 GitHub

  • Instagram Clone made with Flutter

    Flutter-Instagram-Clone Project img : Home screen Splash screen another img another img another img Note !! : Please include your photos to show 🐱‍👤 made with algeria 🖤 GitHub

  • Animes Quotes App Built With Flutter

    CITAÇÕES DE ANIMES Esse foi um app que produzi pensando em recuperar minhas habilidades com flutter (agora flutter 2.0) e treinar requisição de APIs. A API que utilizei para este foi a Animechan Nome do Projeto: Citações de AnimesFramework: Flutter 2.5.1Linguagem: DartPlugins utilizados: -http -clipboard -share Screenshots do Projeto GitHub

  • A beautiful backyard app built using flutter

    Backover Let’s give our backyard a makeover!✨ 25 out of 30 people are usually pretty unhappy about how their backyard looks. Even if some people like it at first, they don’t know how to maintain it. Having a beautiful backyard is very crucial. You might not believe it but it has so many benefits. Healthwise, a good garden is great …

  • Flutter Application for Human Detection

    #Requirements #1.Android Studio #2.Intall Flutter ใน Android Studio #3.Dart, Kottlin ใน Android Studio #Emulator สำหรับจำลองโทรศัพท์ ต้องติดตั้งใน Android Studio เพราะมันจะไม่ติดมาด้วยตั้งแต่แรก #How to Run #1.Clone โปรเจคนี้ลงไปที่เครื่อง #2.เปิด Android Studio และ File > Open > ที่อยู่ของโปรเจค #//โปรเจคนี้จะรวมทั้ง Android และ IOS แต่การรันเราจะรันแค่ Android เท่านั้น #click ขวา ตรง Android #ไปที่ Flutter #Click “Open Android Module in Android Studio” #หน้าต่างใหม่จะเปิดขึ้นมา และสามารถรันเพื่อทดสอบได้ #กดปุ่มรันสีเขียว #Emulator จะเปิดขึ้นมา humans_counter Detect …

  • A Flutter Messaging App Light and Dark Theme

    Messaging App Light and Dark Theme Installation flutter pub get Usage flutter run How To Run Clone this repo Run flutter packages get Run flutter run (remember open simulator or connect physical device, iOS auto run additional command pod install) | | | | | | | | | | | | License Copyright 2021 Sparsh Choudhary Licensed under the …

  • A Dice Game Built using Flutter

    joy_app A new Flutter project. Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the apps you’ll build in the future. This app will teach you how to make apps with functionality using setState() inside Stateful Flutter widgets. What you will learn >> How to …

  • A simple fully working weather app with state management build using flutter

    Weather App A simple fully working weather app with state management build using flutter. This application will tell you real-time weather in an organized and beautiful way. This application uses: State management Build-in Animations API management Dismissable Cards Realtime Location Management NOTE To make it work generate the key by clicking on OpenWeatherAPI link and generate an API key Add …

  • A flutter graphics engine for creating 2D games

    Composition Rendering A graphics engine for creating 2D games. Composition Rendering is not a game engine. This solution can be used as part of a third-party game engine. The functions of creating game scenes and managing graphic objects in the action scene are at your disposal. Object rendering is optimized to minimize the number of drawing commands calls. Drawing is …

  • A Simple TicTacToe Game Built With Flutter

    Tic-Tac-Toe 🎃 A simple mobile game built with Flutter Don’t forget to give a star if you like this project 😅😊 Note: This repository is still under development and I will continue to add more features to it! 🙃 General Info 📝 The purpose of this project was to practice Flutter development by creating simple mobile game. Getting Started 🚀 …

  • Tiktok clone app built using flutter and firebase

    Flutter Short Videos Platform Short videos platform with Flutter and Firebase. Real short video app with firebase and pixels API.Where you can create a short video with pixels’ stock videos and also merge your audio. About Real short video app with firebase and pixels API.Where you can create a short video with pixels’ stock videos and also merge your audio. …