Mes: diciembre 2022

  • Take medications on time using a powerful medication reminder app

    Flutter Healsense Application Instructions Every code structure for this application is open source apart from GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY. Since this is an application in production, you must get GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY, create .env file on the top of the project, and include the key right there for running the app successfully. Supported Null safety Project architecture (DDD Architecture Approach) 1. Why: * We want …

  • 24th Mnemonic generator with Flutter

    24th Mnemonic generator You can download it from ‘Releases’. If you enter 23 mnemonic, extract the 24th mnemonic. Works only offline. You can use coin toss to make mnemonic. Human brain isn’t really good at randomness. So basically any seed created by an user would be less secure. USE ‘COIN TOSS’ ! ! ! GitHub View Github

  • A parking spot locator flutter application

    Park ME Description On any given working day approximately 40% of the roads in urban India are taken up for just parking the cars !!! The global average of time spent looking for a parking spot is 20 minutes,If we could somehow minimize this time it could save people a lot of time daily. We have developed a mobile app …

  • Infinite runner mobile game made with flutter and flame

    Jumpy Made with 🔥 and Flutter Thank you for visiting the Jumpy GitHub repository! Jumpy is a small, open source mobile game that is developed with Flame and Flutter. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the capabilities of Flame + Flutter and how they can be used together to create engaging and interactive mobile games with little effort. …

  • Redesign Safaricom app homepage using flutter

    Safaricom App Home Page To Celebrate This Festive Season 🎊🎉🎁 I designed the Safaricom app home page as it looked from 21st December 2022 using flutter. The Safaricom app UI was most likely built using React Native but I decided to design it using flutter and make it as close to the actuall app as I could save for the …

  • Animated Credit Card Input Form using Flutter

    Animated Credit Card Input Form using Flutter This is a simple credit card input form using flutter. You can use this form in your flutter app to take credit card details from the user. This form is animated and has a nice UI. You can also use this form to take credit card details in your flutter web app. You’ll …

  • A real estate app with Flutter based on the Funda API

    A real estate app with Flutter (iOS and Android) based on the Funda API The App contains the following: Photos Details Description Location Unit and widget tests How to Start Check that flutter version is 3.3 or above Create file key.dart in lib/core/api/ and past this code class Key {static const instance = «YOUR API KEY HERE»;} Set the google …

  • A Flutter UI to browse and order plants from a nursery

    Plant App – A UI of a plant ordering app. A Flutter UI to browse and order plants from a nursery. UI Pics 🔗 Link To the UI 💻 Requirements Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows) Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc) A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter Username: admin …

  • Open source mobile application for nopCommerce platform based on Flutter

    nopSuite Mobile Application nopSuite nopCommerce Mobile application the most complete & ready-to-use eCommerce mobile application made with love in India for your nopCommerce store. The application is a perfect blend of Architecture, Engineering & Flutter. This application covers all major nopCommerce functionalities to offer a smooth mobile commerce experience to your customers and also available with source code. The application …

  • Pet Adoption App UI Screens with Flutter

    Pet Adoption App UI Screens These are screens of a pet adoption mobile app This is not part of a larger project but simply practise runs screen for learning about Flutter AnimatedContainer() Prerequisite Flutter/Dart knowledge Physical or virtual mobile device Flutter development environment Text Editor or IDE How to manually test this Clone this repository Open the project folder on …

  • A simple flutter package for inputting phone number in international format

    Intl Phone Number Input A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google’s libphonenumber CustomDecoration CustomBorder Default Web What’s new Null Safety Migration Upgraded dependencies Breaking Change Depreciated SelectorConfig.backgroundColor and replaced with Theme.of(context).canvasColor Fixed Dominican Republic dial_code at country_list.dart #196 Fixed change country when initialValue is set with the widget #170 Fixed …

  • A simple project with cool animations and fluid UI

    Pokedex This task was quite an interesting one. As with all my projects, I started with understanding the scope and state of this app. I decided to use the clean-architecture structure, for architecting the app. I built the app in these stages: UI -> Domain -> Data. For a small-scale project like this, I concluded that using state-management libraries might …

  • Animated App with Rive and Flutter

    Animated App with Rive and Flutter Fonts Poppins link Watch it on YouTube Hello, welcome to my new Flutter series focused entirely on animation. This is the app we are planning to build. As you can see a beautiful background animation using shapes and blur. As well as a cool button animation. Once we tap on the sign-in button a …

  • A command line Dart application that helps in implementing localization in Flutter apps

    LOCALIZATION_HELPER for Flutter Apps Localization This is a command line Dart application that helps in implementing localization in Flutter apps. [NOTE]: You may find ‘json_creator’ and ‘json_translator’ packages on helpful if you are doing localization of prebuilt Flutter apps. This package intends to help Flutter developers who have already developed a Flutter app and are looking for …