A Dice Game Built using Flutter

joy_app A new Flutter project. Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the apps you’ll build in the future. This app will teach you how to make apps with functionality using setState() inside Stateful Flutter widgets. What you will learn >> How to …

A simple fully working weather app with state management build using flutter

Weather App A simple fully working weather app with state management build using flutter. This application will tell you real-time weather in an organized and beautiful way. This application uses: State management Build-in Animations API management Dismissable Cards Realtime Location Management NOTE To make it work generate the key by clicking on OpenWeatherAPI link and generate an API key Add …

Multi-purpose Booking APP built using flutter

Pengo The actual booking app. Features All in one multipurpose booking app. Easiest booking app for everyone. UX First Design GooCard Cloud Identification. Seamless delay device communication. Rewarding System that actually is about «win-win». Wishlist IOT GooCard Integration. Open-source API/SDK. Commands Generate JSON serializable files flutter pub run build_runner build GitHub https://github.com/Vong3432/Pengo

An Ecommerce application built in Flutter using Firebase

Flutter-Commerce An Ecommerce application built in Flutter using Firebase. Getting started Project setup instructions are given at Wiki section. Screenshots Splash Screen Login Page OTP Page Home Page Search Screen Cart Screen Address Screen Add Address Screen Account Screen Edit Details Screen Orders Screen Payment Screen Product Screen 1 Product Screen 2 GitHub https://github.com/ashishrawat2911/flutter_commerce

Travel Guide App Build with Flutter

Tripply V1.1 Tripply is an android/ios app made for tripers where you can find places such as (Lakes, Forest, Sahara, beaches … ) based on modern Android application – it comes with BloC Flutter you can fetching data from the network and integrating persisted data in the database via repository pattern. GitHub https://github.com/Aboussabr/Tripply

E-commerce application ui in flutter

E-commerce application ui in flutter Hi 👋 I recently started with an E-commerce App and decided to share my exploration. I tried to make it sleek and according to latest design trends. 🥇Follow me on Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/findshailesh 🥇Follow me on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ishaileshmishra screenshots API Information (under development) Need some help? Drop a message to me mshaileshr@gmail.com Download APK Click To Download GitHub …

A new open source E-commerce App created using Flutter and GetX

Shopzler A new open source E-commerce App created using Flutter and GetX. E-Commerce App built on Flutter with Firebase, SQLite, GetX and MVVM Architecture. ScreenShots Features : Sign-In, Sign-Up and LogOut using Email & Password / Google Account / Facebook Account. Categories and Search for Products. Add/Remove Products to/from Cart. Change quantity of products in the cart. Check out your …

A Flutter e-commerce Application Example

Flutter e-commerce Application Example – Day 34 class Afgprogrammer extends Flutter100DaysOfCode { video() { return { «title»: «Flutter e-commerce Application Example», «description»: «Let’s make an e-commerce application.», «day»: 34, } } } Images from: Unsplash Previous Designs Checkout my Youtube channel Development Setup Clone the repository and run the following commands: flutter pub get flutter run Screenshot Home Page GitHub …

A sound meter app Made with Flutter

Noise meter Sound meter. Made with Flutter. Null safety https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=live.iqfareez.noise_meter_flutter Dependencies Name Link noise_meter https://pub.dev/packages/noise_meter syncfusion_flutter_charts https://pub.dev/packages/syncfusion_flutter_charts url_launcher https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher google_fonts https://pub.dev/packages/google_fonts GitHub https://github.com/iqfareez/noise_meter_flutter