Etiqueta: android

  • The Masmas Crypto App with Flutter

    CRYPTO The Masmas Crypto App. Masmas crypto app allows you to trade everywhere and anywhere. Making crypto life the easiest and fastest way you can imagine. App Features: Splash Login (Email, Phone Number, Otp & Email Verification, Google, Facebook, Anonymous) *Under Process: (Comming Soon) 🐱‍👤 Home Provider (State Management) Encryption Personal profile QR-code scanner Trading and exchange features Validation User …

  • PiHole client for Android

    DroidHole DroidHole is a Pi-hole® client for Android. It allows the user to manage multiple Pi-hole® servers from one application and device. Main features ▶ Manage your Pi-hole® server on an easy way. ▶ Enable and disable the server with only one button. ▶ Beautiful charts with all the statistics you need to see. ▶ Add multiple servers to the …

  • A Reddit Clone Application Created With Dart And Flutter

    Reddit app Description Here is a reddit clone application. UI of application is created with dart and flutter. Server of application is created with java. Screens Login Page The user can login to his/her account with username and password. Sign Up Page The user can create an account with email, username and password. Feed Page The user can see posts …

  • A Flutter application to find one’s Hogwarts Houses

    Hogwarts_Sorting_Hat My First App – Hello everyone, This is a Flutter application to find one’s Hogwarts Houses – Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. It allows the user to select answers based on which it sorts them.The purpose behind building this application was covering a lot of concepts such as: Showing Widgets on the screen. Recycling Widgets. Changing Screens. Internal Logic. …

  • App that consists of using a stopwatch to divide work and rest into different periods

    Pomodoro App Application that consists of using a stopwatch to divide work and rest into different periods. 📱 Screens 🌐 Dependencies mobx flutter_mobx provider cupertino_icons 💻 Dev-dependencies build_runner mobx_codegen flutter_lints 🚀 Installation To install the Pomodoro App, follow these steps: Clone this project. git clone Open folder and execute this commands. flutter pub get flutter run Made with love …

  • The ThirdEye App Built with Flutter

    The Third-Eye App What is Third Eye? With just one system that is simple to use and intuitive for both the police authority and the public, Third eye is a decentralised and distributed cutting-edge security protocol that uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to track motor vehicles and Criminals via a modern CCTV network using Automated License Plate Recognition and …

  • A Flutter application built completely using DhiWise and Supabase without coding single line of code

    Flutter Expension Getting Started with Flutter 🚀 Generated with ❤️ from Dhiwise A Flutter mobile application built completely using DhiWise and Supabase without coding single line of code. With 100% system generated code This is the documentation of Flutter Applications. It holds all the info you need to get started with and make changes to your App This application is …

  • An app to save money and achieve your goal

    BudgetMe An app that helps you save money and achieve your goal! Screenshots TestFlight & Google Play Beta License About This is an app to save money small to medium sums of money to achieve goals. I created this app in hopes that users will be able to save money and become more organized and responsible in terms of money …

  • TuCarbure Application mobile flutter

    TuCarbure Application mobile flutter Prérequis SDK Flutter AndroidStudio Installation instalation du SDK flutter : installation Android studio Récupérer le projet : git clone Flutter Lancer Android studio créer un AVD (emulation d’un téléphone) lancer l’application GitHub View Github

  • A Flutter Todo App with Parse (Back4app) as the backend demonstrating CRUD operations

    Siro’s Todo App Description A Flutter Todo App with Parse (Back4app) as the backend demonstrating CRUD operations. Getx State Management Objective This repo will be useful to developers looking for an alternative to backend services like Firebase as they will enjoy building apps without any third party libraries when they switch to using RestFUL APIs provided by the Back4App platform. …

  • Reusable Learning App with Swift

    ReusableLearningApp The main task was to develop a reusable educational app. Our target audience here are mobile app developers. In other words, they should be able to reuse our project to build their own apps on top of it. Demo Video telegram-cloud-document-2-5307972797761329736.mp4 Features Learning and completing courses and lessons Settings with dark mode and customizable notifications. Achievements system to track …

  • Make windows installer for flutter powered apps

    Flutter Inno Setup Make windows installer for Flutter & vanilla Dart powered apps powered by Inno Setup. Installing Run this command: With Dart: dart pub add -d innosetup With Flutter: flutter pub add -d innosetup Simple Usage InnoSetup( app: InnoSetupApp( name: ‘Test App’, version: Version.parse(‘0.1.0’), publisher: ‘author’, urls: InnoSetupAppUrls( homeUrl: Uri.parse(‘’), ), ), files: InnoSetupFiles( executable: File(‘build/windows/runner/test_app.exe’), location: Directory(‘build/windows/runner’), ), …

  • An implementation for the Android platform of the Flutter `in_app_purchase` plugin

    in_app_purchase_amazon A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started Install Amazon App Store on Target device from Add below query in AndroidManifest.xml <manifest xmlns:android=»» …> … <queries> <package android:name=»»/> </queries> … Add rules below in <project-root> -keep class** {*;} -keep class** -dontwarn** -keepattributes *Annotation* Follow instructions at Follow instructions at Push test file for testing …