Etiqueta: ios

  • A Flutter plugin to show incoming call in your Flutter app

    flutter_incoming_call A Flutter plugin to show incoming call in your Flutter app! Alpha version(not ready for production!) Usage To use this plugin: Configure android project: Just add to your manifest activity and receiver. <activity android:name=»com.github.alezhka.flutter_incoming_call.IncomingCallActivity» android:theme=»@style/Theme.AppCompat» android:screenOrientation=»portrait» android:showOnLockScreen=»true»> <intent-filter> <action android:name=»com.github.alezhka.flutter_incoming_call.activity.ACTION_INCOMING_CALL» /> <category android:name=»android.intent.category.DEFAULT» /> </intent-filter> </activity> <receiver android:name=»com.github.alezhka.flutter_incoming_call.CallBroadcastReceiver» android:enabled=»true» android:exported=»false»/> Configure Flutter plugin: FlutterIncomingCall.configure( appName: ‘example_incoming_call’, duration: 30000, android: …

  • An effective unit and currency converter build with flutter

    Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just start typing and immediately you have the real-time conversion with all the other units of measurement 🖌️ It is customizable: the units can be reorganized according to your priorities and your use case 🔢 …

  • Cambodia Geography App Build Using Flutter

    Cambodia Geography Discover places & geography around Cambodia. Getting Started In this project, we use flutter 2.2.3. If you have different version, you should consider install FVM. Prerequisites fvm flutter pub get fvm flutter run Built with Flutter 2.2.3 – The framework used Dart – The language used Data use Cambodia Geography API – By our backend team. – …

  • A To-Do List app created using Flutter and GetX

    Flutter Todo App with GetX Building a List to do App with Flutter. Screenshots Homescreen Add Todo Edit Todo Why flutter? Installation To run this project on your own, do the following: Clone this project. Run flutter pub get. Run the project using flutter run or using your IDE’s tools. For help getting started with Flutter, view theonline documentation, which …

  • A very basic manga reader made using flutter and the Mangadex API

    Fludex A very basic manga reader made using flutter and mangadex API. It uses the mangadex_library package. A few things to remember The app only supports windows at the moment. Android and other platforms can be compiled too, just remember that it’s never tested on those devices so, it might become a nightmare when you look at it. Good luck …

  • A Tip Calculator app made in Flutter

    Tip Calculator App A Tip Calculator app made in Flutter. Prerequisites These things are required before setting up the project. Git Flutter Read Guide Getting Started Follow these instructions to get the project up and running. # clone the repo git clone # rename to match the package name mv -r flutter-tip-calculator tip_calculator # change directory cd tip_calculator # …

  • Piwigo mobile application for Android using flutter

    Piwigo Next Generation (for Android) An android application for managing and uploading images to Piwigo servers. This app is under development by the Piwigo android team. The goal is to close the gap with the IOS Piwigo application while keeping in mind the priority of the features like the upload, and the ability to select multiple images at a time …

  • Flutter app that helps you manage your payments

    PayFlow Flutter app that helps you manage your payments. 📸 Screenshots :rocket: Tecnologias Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: Flutter Firebase 💻 Projeto Payflow é um aplicativo para Android e iOS que te ajuda a organizar suas despesas com boletos. GitHub

  • An Android App built with Flutter to generate passwords

    Wassword Wonderful Password Generator With Wassword you can easily generate complex passwords and use them for your online accounts. Choose length and chars to be used and generate your passwords safely. Everything works offline and nothing is shared, your safety comes first. Wassword isn’t a password manager, it doesn’t store generated password. Wassword only creates password! 🔒 Features Create password …

  • MoviesApp based on themoviedb API With Flutter

    Movies App Hi, do you like movies? grin Try MoviesApp here. There are currently 4 themes in the app. Search for your favourite movie and add it to your favourites. Operating Principle The app sends requests and receives responses from the themoviedb API. To learn more about APIs and the Multitier architectureclick here. How to run This application is using …

  • Flutter app for authentication using Text Belt API

    Flutter TextBelt API Flutter app for authentication using Text Belt API. 🚀 Features Authenticated user with OTP Authenticated user with google Also Generated Code in every 30 Sec 🛠️ Installation Steps Clone the repository git clone Go into the Project Directory Install dependencies flutter pub get Run the app flutter run/Flutter run –release ❗ Available Commands Install dependencies flutter …

  • Argo: a Magister 6 application with material design using flutter

    Argo Argo is een Magister 6 applicatie met material design. Features Mooie, handige agenda waarin je precies kan zien wanneer je een tussenuur hebt. Een overzichtelijke thuispagina waarop je recente berichten, cijfers en absent-meldingen te zien krijgt. Een handige manier om te berekenen welke cijfer je moet halen voor je volgende toets om nog voldoende te staan. Het pinnen van …

  • A voting system app made with flutter and firebase

    VOTING SYSTEM APP A voting system app made with flutter and firebase Easy-to-use electronic voting mobile application to run safe, secured and transparent elections.Users can cast their vote only once and view the results in real-time. IMPORTANCE Reduce time and cost for elections Run elections in a safe manner without any tampering of votes Conduct elections in a transparent way …

  • A new Flutter TheMovieDB Application example with GetX State Management

    The Movie DB App with Flutter GetX A new Flutter TheMovieDB Application example with GetX State Management. Register and get Api Key from The Movie DB Website After that in url.dart, change ‘YOUR.API_KEY’ with your key. Available in all your devices. Mobile: Desktop: Web: Different Scaffolds for different platforms: Mobile: Desktop: Web: GitHub

  • iOS App to Record Daily Sun Intake

    Why Suncheck 당신은 하루에 해를 얼마나 보나요? 코시국에 더욱 우울하거나 무기력한 건 햇살을 충분히 받지 못해서 일 수도 있어요. 매일 단 15분의 햇살만으로 우리 뇌에서는 우울증을 예방할 수 있을 만큼의 세로토닌이 분비됩니다. 만약 하루 동안 내가 얼마나 햇살을 받는지 알 수 있다면 우리 기분을 더욱 주도적으로 관리해 나갈 수 있지 않을까요? Suncheck과 함께, 나만의 햇빛 일지를 작성하고 더 상쾌하고 기분 …