
A demo booking app for salon using flutter

This is a demo booking app for web/android/ios by Flutter using GetX.

It is designed for customers to make a appointment on barber or salon (but the UI needs to be redesigned for both web and mobile.)

The shop admin page is still developing.

The backend is using firestore and firestorage for simplicity.

Visit for live demo.


A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter

A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter

Details (the gif is a bit low in fps with poor quality)

For the main page, it has 6 components

  • A sliver appbar without pinning.
  • The main dashboard directing to the search page.
  • The carousel showing the results from different shops.
  • The map showing all the locations.
  • The shop list.
  • The bottom nav bar.

A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter
A demo booking app for salon using flutter

For the booking page, it uses a calendar, a CupertinoDatePicker and a grouped radio buttoms for selection.

A demo booking app for salon using flutter

For the search page, it is just a demo to search the whole list in application side.

A demo booking app for salon using flutter

For the profile page, it can edit any personal data.

A demo booking app for salon using flutter

The profile page and the booking status page use a route guard for protection. It is done by implementing a middleware in the routing.

A demo booking app for salon using flutter


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