A Flutter App IMC Calculator

IMC Calculator

📖 About The Project

This is a IMC calculator created to learn fundamentals about Flutter programming.

A Flutter App IMC Calculator

A Flutter App IMC Calculator

🧱 Installation

This project use Flutter, you will need it to build its dependencies.

🚧 Prerequisites

Clone this project repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/3salles/imc_calculator.git

# Enter in `imc_calculator` folder:

$ cd imc_calculator

🚨 If you don’t have git in your machine, you can install it here.

📜 How to Use

🚧 Installing Dependencies

In imc_folder folder, install dependencies with the following command:

$ flutter pub get

▶️ Running Front-end

Run the following command to see the application:

$ flutter run

📄 License

This project uses MIT license.

👩‍💻 Author

Developed with 💜


View Github

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