
Jobify is a cross-platform mobile application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies. Developed using Flutter for the front end and Firebase for the backend, Jobify offers a streamlined job search and hiring experience. users can easily setup their profiles and will be able to search and apply for their relevant Jobs. Jobify also makes it easier for the companies to hire right and talendted people which reduces time and effort.

Project Snapshots :

Initial Sign up and Introduction Screens:

A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies

A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies
A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies

User Identification Screens :

Here after signing up the user will be asked whether he is searching for a job or want to hire a people. According to that users have to provide data to the app.

A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies
A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies

Application’s Home Page :

here is the homepage when user is successfully uploaded his bio data and information in our App. The Homepage contains bottom Navigation bar with 5 Screens, Job Seekers , companies , Company Posts, User Profile and at the end Settings options Respectively.

A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies
A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies
A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies
A Flutter application designed to bridge the gap between jobseekers and companies

So these are the screens in the homepage of application

Group members :

  • Shahzad Haider (20SW067)

  • Aashir Ali (20SW023)

Submitted to :

Ma’am Marium Memon

University :

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro


  • Flutter

  • Firebase

  • Getx For State Management


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