🧾🪙 Flutter Expense Management App
A simple Flutter app to manage expenses. A pet project to improve skills and learn new features.
I had several technical task:
âš¡ UI:
Figma template https://www.figma.com/community/file/1141026080000052242
âš¡ Tasks
- Due to given UI kit create prototype describing all features.
- Add translations (ukr, eng)
- Authentication should be on user’s device with the usage of biometrics if supported. Otherwise use pin code.
- All data should be stored locally in SQlite DB.
- Despite all data is stored locally, implement multiuser feature.
- Use freezed and json_serializable packages for for data-classes and pattern-matching.
âš¡ Features
- All data stored on user’s device.
- Create notes of user’s income and expense.
- Count balance from the first note to the selected period.
- Full statistics monthly report with Export to pdf feature.
- Expense categories management: create, edit, change order.
- Authentication with fingerprint, FaceId or pin code
- All users’ data is encrypted and stored locally.
- Search transaction by its title or filter by category.
- Supports Ukrainian and English.
âš¡ Platforms
🤖 Android
 iOS
📸 Demo
Home date management |
Statistics date management |
🔌 Plugins
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