A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
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A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks

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Shelf Ease Application

A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks

Created a user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks. Librarians can manage books, members, and transactions effortlessly. The system allows CRUD operations on books and members, allows book issuance and returns, searches by all parameters, applies rental fees, and enforces a Rs.500 debt limit for members. Integrated Frappe API enables easy book imports, supporting parameters like title and author. Made simple code structure and clean. Abstracted functions ensure code reusability, with concise SQL queries for efficient data handling. Deployment on Vercel.


  • Description
  • Features
  • Tech Stack
  • Screenshots
  • How to Run ?
  • DB Structure
  • API Docs
  • Queries
  • Contact


  • Login Authentication and logout
  • Import Books: Librarians can import books into DB (PostGre SQL). Allows Count, Title, Author, Isbn, Publisher, Pages as params.
  • Add / Delete books: Add or Delete books from the postgre SQL. Only unissued books can be deleted.
  • Issue books: Search by title and isbn, allows to list to be produced in front of the librarian, on the detail page, allows the list of members to whom the book can be issued. For issuing, debt must be less that Rs.500
  • Return books: Showed all the books assigned to members and the librarian can return the book from the member. The dues are recalculated once returned.
  • All penalty: Concisely see the dues on issued books.
  • Montly Report: See the month’s report for the amount of transaction and books in stock.
  • Add / Remove members: Add a member to the membership list or delete member if has no pending dues.
  • Search DB: Search the whole DB by 5 params.

Tech Stack

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Python
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • Vercel (For Hosting)
  • Supabase (DB hosting)
  • Github


Login Page Home Page Search Books Dashboard
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
Profile Import Books Add Books Import Confirm Screen
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
Issue Books Book Detail Select Member for Issuing Book Search Result with filters
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
All Members Add Members Report Members respective books issued
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks

How to Run ?

Download the App’s APK file from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oqIPQqbu8Rf9z_MVq1O87sr23w7G9uce?usp=sharing

Login Credentials:

username: admin

password: admin_123

DB Structure & Schemas

A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks

API Docs


This API uses POST request to communicate and HTTP to indenticate status and errors. All responses come in standard JSON. All requests must include a content-type of application/json, accept of application/json and the body must be valid JSON.


You send: Your login credentials.


POST /user/verify
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


    'username': 'admin', 
    'password': 'admin_123'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'users': [{'userid': 1, 'username': 'admin'}, {'userid': 2, 'username': 'devil'}, {'userid': 3, 'username': 'library'}],
    'state': True

Import Data

You send: Optional: title, author, isbn, publisher, pages, count.


POST /importData
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'count': '30',
     'title': 'witchcraft'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'Data imported successfully and Data stored successfully',
 'data': [{'bookID': '2002', 'title': 'Harry Potter Schoolbooks 
 Box Set: Two Classic Books from the Library of Hogwarts School
  of Witchcraft and Wizardry', 'authors': 'J.K. Rowling', 'average_rating':
  '4.40', 'isbn': '043932162X','isbn13': '9780439321624', 'language_code':
    'eng', '  num_pages': '240', 'ratings_count': '11515',
     'text_reviews_count': '139', 'publication_date': '11/1/2001',
      'publisher': 'Arthur A. Levine'}], 'count': 1

Search DB

You send: Optional: title, author, isbn, publisher, pages .


POST /search/data
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

select * from shelfease.books_master where title ILIKE '%harry potter boxed%'

     'title': 'harry potter boxed'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'Success', 'data': [{'  num_pages': 2690, 'authors': 
    'J.K. Rowling/Mary GrandPré', 'average_rating': 4.78, 'bookID': 8,
     'isbn': '0439682584', 'isbn13': '9780439682589', 'language_code':
      'eng', 'publication_date': datetime.date(2004, 9, 13), 'publisher':
       'Scholastic', 'ratings_count': 41428, 'text_reviews_count': 164,
        'title': 'Harry Potter Boxed Set  Books 1-5 (Harry Potter  #1-5)',
         'isAvailable': True, 'issuedate': 0}], 'count': 1

Check available before issuing

You send: book_id .


POST /isbookavailable
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

select isavailable from shelfease.books_master where book_id=25257;

    'book_id': '25257'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'available': True

Get All members

You send: null .


POST /members/all
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

select * from shelfease.members;

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'success', 'data': [{'id': 6, 'name': 'Kumar Harsh', 'email':
     'khchoudhary8@gmail.com', 'phone': '7979844513', 'mem_status': True, 
     'books_id': [26968], 'due_amt': 610}, {'id': 9, 'name': 'Sumeet', 'email':
      'sumeet1709@gmail.com', 'phone': '1111223344', 'mem_status': True, 
      'books_id': [9742, 32816, 2912], 'due_amt': 210}, {'id': 4, 'name': 
      'Will Smith', 'email': 'will.smith@gmail.com', 'phone': '9986754563',
       'mem_status': True, 'books_id': [], 'due_amt': 0}, {'id': 2, 'name':
        'Jane Smith', 'email': 'jane@example.com', 'phone': '987-654-3210',
         'mem_status': True, 'books_id': [], 'due_amt': 0}], 'count': 4

Issue Book

You send: book_id and member_id .


POST /members/all
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'member_id': '4',
     'book_id': '25257'

select book_list from shelfease.members where member_id=4
update shelfease.books_master set issuedate=1691931114 where book_id=25257;
update shelfease.books_master set isavailable=false where book_id=25257;
update shelfease.members set book_list=ARRAY[25257] where member_id=4;

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'Book Issued'

Return Book

You send: book_id and member_id .


POST /returnbook
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'book_id': '25257',
     'member_id': '4',
      'amt_returned': '1'

select book_list from shelfease.members where member_id=4
update shelfease.members set due_amt=0 where member_id=4 ;
update shelfease.members set book_list=ARRAY[]::integer[] where member_id=4;
update shelfease.books_master set issuedate=0 where book_id=25257;
update shelfease.books_master set isavailable=true where book_id=25257;

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'Book returned'

Add Book


POST /addbook
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'num_pages': '12', 'authors': 'kumar', 'average_rating': '4', 
    'book_id': '3', 'isbn': '1', 'isbn13': '13', 'language_code': 
    'Ger', 'publication_date': '28-10-2012', 'publisher': 'kumar', 
    'ratings_count': '66', 'text_reviews_count': '13', 'title': 'book1'

insert into shelfease.books_master(book_id,title,authors,average_rating,
publication_date,publisher) values (3,'book1','kumar',4.0,'1','13','Ger'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'data added successfully'

Add Members

You send: name, email, phone

POST /addmembers
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'name': 'Harsh',
     'email': 'w@gmail.com',
      'phone': '2345678987'

insert into shelfease.members (name, email,phone) values ('Harsh','w@gmail.com','2345678987');

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

    'message': 'Member added successfully'

Delete Members

You send: name, email, phone

POST /memberdelete
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'member_id': '10'

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

   'message': 'Delete Successful'


Delete Book

You send: name, email, phone

POST /bookdelete
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    'book_id': '44145'

delete from shelfease.books_master where book_id=44145

**Successful Response:**
200 OK

   'message': 'Delete Successful'



A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks
A user-friendly application for a local library to simplify daily tasks


Thank you

Made by Kumar Harsh

BIT Mesra



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