Citrus Canker Detection

An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff

Canker disease detection using deep learning Model Inception V3.

Version of dart-sdk I used to make this project
: Dart SDK version: 3.0.3 (stable) (Wed May 31 15:35:05 2023 +0000) on “windows_x64”

**Folders Included: **
lib (folder)
assets (folder)
pubsec.yaml (file)

How to run

To run the project in your Windows PC

  1. Create a new emptly flutter project
  2. Replace the pubsec.yaml file from the project root directory.
  3. Replace lib folder and place assets folder in project root directory
  4. Go to pubsec.yaml file and run ‘flutter pub get” command.
  5. Connect a Physical or Virtual Device and run command “flutter run”


Some screenshots
An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff
An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff
An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff

If you face any errors. Feel free to contact me at or

Credit: Masroor Ahmed also had significant contribution in this project (

Note: Project is not yet complete, we are working on it.


View Github

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