Bac App – Flutter

Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents

Application Flutter où vous pouvez telecharger des fichier depuis une api et les désarchiver et les ouvrir et voir leur contenu , et elle inclue un lecteur de video youtube ou vous pouvez vissioner des cours grace au package youtube_player_iframe.
Le state management de l’app est fait avec GETX.


Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents Flutter application where you can download files from an api and unarchive them and open them and see their contents


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