Flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies
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Flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies

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Flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies

MoneyTextFormField is one of the flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies, by displaying the output format in realtime.

This widget is based on the FlutterMoneyFormatter package which has a very powerful ability to do currency formatting.


For complete steps in installing MoneyTextFormField you can see in the Installation Guide.


The following is the simplest example of using MoneyTextFormField:

import 'package:moneytextformfield/moneytextformfield.dart';

  /// ... some lines of code ...
    settings: MoneyTextFormFieldSettings()
  /// ... some lines of code ...

For those who do not understand in implementing the code above, you can see the code below to create an application that can be directly used.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:moneytextformfield/moneytextformfield.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  TextEditingController mycontroller = TextEditingController();

  void initState() {  

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('MoneyTextFormField Demo'),
        floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
          onPressed: () => print(mycontroller.text),
          child: Icon(Icons.save),
        body: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            /// Begin of :> MoneyTextFormField
              settings: MoneyTextFormFieldSettings(
                controller: mycontroller
            /// End of :> MoneyTextFormField

From the above code it will look more or less like the following:

Flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies

Figure 1: Using full format

By doing a little modification, you will get the following results:

Flutter widget packages that can be used to input values in the form of currencies

Figure 2: Using compact format

Referring to the example code above, to retrieve the value inputted by the user, you can get it through the mycontroller.text as in the onPressed event in the FloatingActionButton widget.


For now, MoneyTextFormField only uses one property to configure the display of that object, the settings property that has a data type is an instance of MoneyTextFormFieldSettings.


Name Data Type Description
controller TextEditingController A controller for an editable text field.
validator FormFieldValidator<String> An optional method that validates an input. Returns an error string to display if the input is invalid, or null otherwise.
inputFormatters List<TextInputFormatter> A TextInputFormatter can be optionally injected to provide as-you-type validation and formatting of the text being edited.
onChanged void An optional method that register a closure to be called when the object changes.
moneyFormatSettings MoneyFormatSettings See here
appearanceSettings AppearanceSettings See here
enabled bool Whether the form is able to receive user input.


No need to initialize the value in controller.text, because the value will be ignored. the controller property is only intended to capture the value inputted by the user.


The value contained in controller.text is exactly the same as the one inputted by the user and has a String data type. If you want to get results in the same format, you can use the FlutterMoneyFormatter package which is also used by MoneyTextFormField.

See detailed information about FlutterMoneyFormatter.


Name Data Type Description
labelText String Text that describes the input field. Default value is 'Amount'
hintText String Text that suggests what sort of input the field accepts.
icon Widget An icon to show before the input field and outside of the decoration’s container.
labelStyle TextStyle The style to use for the labelText when the label is above (i.e., vertically adjacent to) the input field.
inputStyle TextStyle The style to use for the input field.
formattedStyle TextStyle The style to use for the formatted output text.
errorStyle TextStyle The style to use for the errorText
padding EdgeInsetGeometry The amount of space by which to inset the widget


Name Data Type Description
amount double Decimal value that will be used when initializing the widget. Default value is 0.00.
fractionDigits int The fraction digits that will be used on formatted output. Default value is 2.
currencySymbol String The symbol that will be used on formatted output. Default value is '$' (dollar sign).
thousandSeparator String The character that will be used as thousand separator on formatted output. Default value is ',' (comma).
decimalSeparator String The character that will be used as decimal separator on formatted output. Default value is '.' (dot).
symbolAndNumberSeparator String The character that will be used as separator between symbol and number. Default value is ' ' (space).
displayFormat MoneyDisplayFormat See here


MoneyDisplayFormat is an enum object with values such as the following:

Name Description
nonSymbol Used to display currency values in full format and without a currency symbol.
symbolOnLeft Used to display currency values in full format with currency symbols on the left.
symbolOnRight Used to display currency values in full format with currency symbols on the right.
compactNonSymbol Used to display currency values in a short format and without a currency symbol.
compactSymbolOnLeft Used to display currency values in a short format with a currency symbol on the left.
compactSymbolOnRight Used to display currency values in a short format with a currency symbol on the right.


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