Goals Of This Project
- Providing a mongodb client for mobile devices. (Like official desktop client Mongodb Compass)
- Supporting crud operations and basic querying.
- Both mongodb:// and mongodb+srv:// connections are supported. (Mongodb Connection Strings)
- Adding, removing and reordering connection strings.
- Naming connection strings.
- Auto reconnecting.
- Creating and deleting collections.
- Number of documents can be seen in each collection tile.
- Find queries are supported in json format. (Mongodb Query Operators)
- CRUD operations are supported.
- On listing page; documents are represented in master/detail tree format.
- On editing page; documents are represented in json string format.
Custom Json Encoding / Decoding
Some data types are not supported by default json:convert library.
The following operators were used to support those types.
Type | Operator | Usage |
DateTime | $date | “$date:1998-11-02T01:30:00.000Z” |
ObjectId | $oid | “$oid:5a97f9c91c807bb9c6eb5fb4” |
Uuid | $uuid | “$uuid:ddca6dd7-9887-4f56-8dea-264cbe1c15b1” |
Round | $decimal | “$decimal:2510.41” |
User Interface
Side Notes
I won’t be able to develop full time; as this is a hobby project.
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