Sharp looking Flutter applications with fractional device pixel ratios

PixelSnap – Sharp looking applications at any pixel scaling factor If you have ever run a Flutter application on a system with non-integral pixel scaling, such as Windows at 150%, you may have noticed that your beautiful Flutter application suddenly looks blurry. But why? You’re not using any bitmaps, Flutter draws everything with vector. So where’s the blurryness coming from? …

LetsTrail Mobile application built on Flutter

letstrail LetsTrail Mobile application built on Flutter with backend services on Firebase Firestore and Firestore Storage along with usage of Cloud Functions and messaging for notifications and firebase authentication for logins. “Let’s Trail” is the mobile app which assist the users to schedule, track and explore the heritage trail places nearby their location. Historical information and activities are provided for …

A library that translates apps into 80 languages and automates settings

Auto App Translate It is a library that translates apps into 80 languages and automates settings. How to Use? 1. Setup the config file dependencies: easy_localization: ^3.0.2-dev easy_localization_loader: ^1.0.0 app_auto_translation: flutter: assets: – assets/localization.done.csv 2. Create the asset folder and insert the localization.csv file. lozalization.csv file download 3. Config easy_localization library. Please refer to the official documentation. import ‘package:app_auto_translation/callable/core_my/my_language_code/entity/flutter_support_language_locale.dart’; import …

Travel App UI Design with Flutter

Travel App UI Design Travel Application UI Design. This repository is an mobile application developed in Flutter base of the design of Al Razi Siam I have tried to recreate the above design with few changes. Screenshot Shown UI might change with updates given to UI. Pages Included Splashscreen There is very simple splash screen that display in introduction …

FoodHub application with Flutter

FoodHub App Features List Restaurant Detail Restaurant Restaurant Favorite Search Restaurant Schedule Notification Dark Mode Theme Quick start This is a normal flutter app. You should follow the instructions in the official documentation. This project takes UI Design reference from dribble. Banner Design Built With 🛠 Provider – A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more …

M-Tutor Flutter Application

M-Tutor Flutter Application Dependancies This app is currently extended with the following dev dependancies. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below. Depandancy flutter_bloc equatable get_storage http youtube_player_flutter flutter_pdfview dio path path_provider permission_handler charts_flutter flutter_neumorphic SnapShots APK M-Tutor Flutter apk License MIT GitHub View Github

WhatsApp UI clone built with Flutter

WhatsApp Clone A WhatsApp UI clone in flutter (work in progress). A working web demo ↗️ Platforms Mobile Desktop Web Features Chats Recent chats list (home screen) Chat room screen User profile screen (with animated user dp) Sent message (with automatic reply) Message status (pending, delivered, read,..) Chat search bar New chat list Status Status list Recent and viewed updates …

A Flutter Minimal Ecommerce Application

🔥FluCommerce – A Flutter Ecommerce Application – UI🔥 Star⭐ the repo if you like to see more stuff on flutter 😉. Some Screenshots For You 💖 Getting Started with Flutter 🚀 Generated with ❤️ Manish Dayma This is the documentation of Flutter Applications. It contains all the information you need to get started with and make changes to your App …

A basic Mobile Application on Flutter for BLM4537

StudentManagementSystemMobileApp A basic Mobile Application on Flutter for BLM4537 BLM4537 – iOS İle Mobil Uygulama Geliştirme Proje Tasarım Ön Çalışması ve Teknik Şartnamesi Bu derste Flutter ile bir öğrenci bilgi sistemi (OBS) uygulaması geliştirilecektir. Yapılması planlanan işler: Tüm uygulama API kullanacak REST API .NET CORE standardında göre endpoint’lerin HTTP Request ve parametreleri Silme işlemlerinin hepsi soft-delete Öğrenci – Öğretmen tipi …

Speedify app using flutter

Speedify VPN_APP UI Vpn app concept UI done in Flutter. ❤️ Found this project useful? If you found this project useful, then please consider giving it a ⭐️ on Github and sharing it with your friends via social media. Run the Flutter app locally git clone cd Speedify-app-flutter flutter pub get run flutter doctor make sure everything is checked …