Quick Application Layer of official Epitech's intranet

Quick Application Layer of official Epitech's intranet


Official epitech’s intranet application aivailable on you’re smartphone and over.

On the application you can:

  • Have access to all of the functionnality aivailable on the intranet but in a more user friendly way, and in application format.

the application is realise using flutter, use javascript injection in the webview to interact with the web version of the intranet, use a full CI/CD pipeline to deploy the application, a custom ui made with dart and flutter.

Calandar List E-learning



Antoine Gonthier, 18 yo Epitech Student 🧑‍💻


  • This application is released under the MIT license and respect all the statment of the copyright
  • Copyright © 2023, All right reseved.


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