flutter-kradio-player Another Awesome Online Radio Player. Getting Started Follow the guide on how to install Flutter. Clone the repository and open with your IDE: Android Studio or Visual Studio Code Install IDE plugins for Flutter support To download project dependencies execute: flutter pub get Run project on Simulator or Android device Architecture, libraries and tools State management: Bloc Code style: …
Mes: mayo 2020
Sudoku game build with Flutter
sudoku sudoku applications are made using flutter. The following is a screen shot of the Sudoku game: Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view …
Four-in-a-row game in Flutter
Flutter FIAR Four-in-a-row game in Flutter. Game modes Player vs Player (only local) Player vs Cpu Dumb Hard Hardest Demo (Cpu Hard vs Cpu Hardest) Getting Started Run the application to play 🙂 git clone git@github.com:imtoori/flutter_fiar.git flutter run Screenshots GitHub