Mes: julio 2023

  • A Food Recipe Application build with Flutter and Dart

    Meals App Flutter A Food Recipe App Getting Started If you don’t have Flutter SDK installed, please visit official Flutter website. Fetch latest source code from master branch. git clone Run the app with Android Studio or VS Code. Or the command line: flutter pub get flutter run Screenshots GitHub View Github

  • A content writing app for share blog about daily lifestyle

    blogapp Blog app is a content writing app for share blog about daily lifestyle. Features This project contains the several features like post a new blog update existing blog follow a user edit user profile add a post into favourites like a post search blog by user or title signup & signin category wise blog reading Frameworks I am using …

  • Coffee Shop Beautiful UI for Flutter

    Coffee Shop Beautiful UI Installation To get started, you need to have Flutter installed on your machine. Then, follow the instructions below: Open the terminal and navigate to the project folder. Run the command flutter packages get to install the required packages. Run flutter run to build and run the debug app on your emulator/phone Demo GitHub View Github

  • A train seat selection UI made using Flutter Framework and provider state management for CRUV technical assignment

    Seat Picker UI Application – Flutter Intern Assignment Table of Contents Description Screen Recording Screenshots Features Technologies Getting Started Usage Responsive Design State Management Description Welcome to the Seat Picker UI Application, a Flutter-based application developed as a technical assignment for the Flutter Intern position at CRUV. This app aims to provide a user-friendly interface for selecting seats in a …

  • A Flutter app that uses GNSS data to trace COVID-19 contacts and notify users of exposure risk

    Location-based Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Transmission Tracking This repository contains the source code and documentation for a mobile application that implements a novel contact tracing system using geographic information data from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) smartphone sensors. The system collects and analyzes the location coordinates of users every two minutes and evaluates their distance and duration of exposure to …

  • A Flutter application that allows users to view cabin layouts

    Seat Finder App The Seat Finder App is a Flutter application that allows users to view cabin layouts, search for specific seats, and select seats interactively. It utilizes the provider package for state management and provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface to browse and select seats efficiently. Methodology The Seat Finder App is built using the Flutter framework, which is …

  • Flutter Razorpay Web Plugin

    Flutter Razorpay Web Plugin Add this to dependencies in your app’s pubspec.yaml flutter_razorpay_web: ^0.0.1 Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app. Demo Important step Include checkout.js in index.html file inside your web folder <script src=»»></script> For e.g,-

  • An app designed for climbing gyms and climbers alike

    GripGuide An idea by Polytalon, designed and built by students of the HTWG Konstanz. GripGuide is an app designed for climbing gyms and climbers alike. It provides gyms with the opportunity to publish routes and news, while climbers can track their progress and give feedback to the gym. Feature overview Generally, the app allows registering as a user and choosing …

  • Batlab EV Charging Station end user mobile application

    BLCharger BLCharger is a cross-platform application developed for iOS and Android devices using the Flutter framework. This project is being developed by Eduardo Ferreira Valim and Luiz Eduardo Batista Garcia at the UFMS Batlab Laboratory under the coordination of Professor Ruben Godoy. The application aims to provide an easy-to-use interface for users of electric vehicle charging stations. Through the BLCharger …

  • A fresh mobile client for lemmy

    Lemmon A fresh mobile client for Lemmy – a federated reddit alternative Screenshots Home Search Contributing Please consider contributing! Even if you don’t know flutter well use this as a chance to learn! Contributing Guide Build from source Prerequisites Install flutter: To check if this step was successful run flutter doctor (Installing android studio is not required if you setup …

  • An innovative app that serves as a virtual gateway to explore and discover the diverse culture

    indoscape Indoscape is an innovative mobile application that serves as a virtual gateway to explore and discover the diverse culture, geography, and offerings of Indonesia, catering to both locals and international travelers seeking a convenient and engaging way to learn about the country’s unique characteristics and stay updated with the latest information. Features Explore Indonesia’s 34 provinces and 514 cities …

  • Medical Consultation App with Flutter

    Medical Consultation App Description This is a Flutter project that implements a simple mobile application with the following features: Feature 1: Medical Consultation Dashboard Page Feature 2: Doctor details Page Feature 3: Doctor patient’s chat Page Technologies Used Flutter: The cross-platform framework used for building the mobile app. Dart: The programming language used with Flutter for application logic. Flutter_test: for …

  • WooCommerce App: Label StoreMax

    WooCommerce App: Label StoreMax Label StoreMax Official WooSignal WooCommerce App About Label StoreMax Label StoreMax is an App Template for WooCommerce stores. Your customers will be able to browse products, make orders and login via WordPress. You can also customise the look and feel of the app in the WooSignal dashboard. You can also upload the app to the IOS …

  • A Flutter App which users can perform any common action relevant to hospital appointments

    Hospital Mobile App This project was intented to deliver as a freelance project but has been canceled by the client. Now, source code is here. video.mp4 About It is a mobile application which users can perform any common action relevant to hospital appointments. Main Features See the hospital news. Search polyclinics. Search doctors. Take/cancel/see appointments. Multi language support. See hospital …