Categoría: Menu

Categoría agregada por el Plugin WPeMatico

  • A customizable floating action button menu that will pop up fabs with special animation

    A customizable floating action button menu that will pop up fabs with special animation. Installation In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency: dependencies: flutter: sdk: fan_floating_menu: any Import the fantasy menu package like this: import ‘package:fan_floating_menu/fan_floating_menu.dart’; Usage Simply create a FanFloatingMenu widget, and pass the required params: FanFloatingMenu( menuItems: [ FanMenuItem(onTap: () {}, icon: Icons.edit_rounded, title: …

  • A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button

    FAB Circular Menu A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button. Inspired by Mayur Kshirsagar‘s great FAB Microinteraction design. Installation Just add fab_circular_menu to your pubspec.yml file. dependencies: fab_circular_menu: ^1.0.0 Example class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: Placeholder(), floatingActionButton: FabCircularMenu( children: <Widget>[ IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.home), onPressed: …

  • Animated Menu for Flutter Apps

    Animated Menu Use AnimatedMenu to create a menu with/without animation. You can use FadeIn or SlideIn animation to show the menu, You can use any Widget inside AnimatedMenu as a menu item. Installation Add animated_menu: ^1.0.0 in your project’s pubspec.yaml: dependencies: animated_menu: ^1.0.0 Usage Import animated_menu in your dart file: import ‘package:animated_menu/animated_menu.dart’; Then use showAnimatedMenu in your function: onTapDown: (details) …

  • Examples of building custom contextual menus in Flutter

    Context Menu Examples A list of many examples of building custom context menus in Flutter. Check out the live demo running on the web, linked above. References PR 107193 introduced this feature. Samples PR 1463 brought these examples to the Flutter samples repo. Repository maintenance To publish to GitHub Pages, do the following: git checkout pages git merge main flutter …

  • An expandable menu with infinite horizontal item list with high customizable ability

    Expandable-Menu-Cards An expandable menu with infinite horizontal item list with high customizable ability Preview 👇 expandable.mp4 ⚙️ Built with Amazing Tools Flutter – Beautiful native apps in record time. Visual Studio Code – Code editing. Redefined. Written Blog ✍ 🐛 Bugs/Requests If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing …

  • Expandable menu – An expandable menu with infinite horizontal item list with high customizable ability

    expandable_menu Expandable menu is an expandable menu with infinite horizontal item list with high customizable ability. Preview Property Description width This property declare width of widget when it’s not expanded in initial state height This property declare height of widget items This property will contains items in list of menu backgroundColor This property declare background color of widget and default …

  • A flutter package that will provide a different type of pretty animation with different alignment

    Web animated hover menu A flutter package that will provide a different type of pretty animation with different alignment. Key Features Different type of animation in different alignment Mouse hover effect Existing Animations Left To Right Right To Left Top To Bottom Bottom To Top Preview Easy usage Import it to your project file import ‘package:web_hover_menu/web_hover_menu.dart’; And add it in …

  • Pangolin Desktop, settings and start menu

    Pangolin Desktop UI Pangolin Desktop, settings and start menu. Prerequisites (On Debian/Ubuntu) sudo apt install build-essential clang pkg-config libgtk-3-dev make cmake ninja-build Developer Rwema D Bagirishya This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license God Bless!! GitHub View Github

  • A flutter package to show context menus on right-click or long-press

    context_menus A package to show context menus on right-click or long-press. 🔨 Installation dependencies: context_menus: ^0.1.0 ⚙ Import import ‘package:context_menus/context_menus.dart’; 🕹️ Usage To get started, wrap a ContextMenuOverlay around your main app or top-most view: return ContextMenuOverlay( child: MaterialApp(…) ); You can then use the ContextMenuRegion widget to wrap sections of the Widget tree that should trigger a context menu: …

  • A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Side Menu (Drawer)

    Flutter Awesome Drawer Bar A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Side Menu (Drawer) Getting Started To start using this package, add awesome_drawer_bar dependency to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: awesome_drawer_bar: ‘<latest_release>’ Features Simple sliding drawer Sliding drawer with shadows Sliding drawer with rotation Sliding drawer with rotation and shadows Support for both LTR & RTL Documentation AwesomeDrawerBar( controller: AwesomeDrawerBarController, menuScreen: …

  • Login Concept and Menu challenge with flutter

    weekly_flutter_challenge_6_menu Challenge summary: This challenge is about recreating two of Kuenzang Sherub’s designs: Login Concept and Menu. The former contains a login form, that will let me learn to handle forms in Flutter apps. The latter requires me to use 3D transformation to move the login page away and reveal the menu. The app itself is a simple one, but …

  • Flutter’s core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs

    Flutter DropdownButton2 Intro Flutter’s core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs. Features Dropdown menu always open below the button and you can edit its position by using the offset parameter. You can make the menu open above the button by setting showAboveButton to true. You can edit (button, menu and …

  • Flutter Material Design Navigation Drawer Menu

    navigation_drawer_menu Flutter Material Design Navigation Drawer Menu Navigation drawer is a common UI pattern for adaptive menus. The Material Design documentation formalizes the behavior of the menu but this pattern is not peculiar to Material Design. The pattern includes a basic Hamburger menu but isn’t limited to small screens. The menu pattern suits all screen sizes. On larger width screens …

  • A beautiful drawer for flutter

    flurry_drawer The repo is solving a problem with package flurry_navigation as it’s old any the owner didn’t update it. The drawer is very beautiful and many people likes it so much. For these reasons I push this repo for public to help them to add this beautful drawer to their projets. I wih this will help you. pixels.3.4.mp4 My Contacts …

  • Cool 3D Drawer Animated With flutter

    Cool 3D Drawer Animated With flutter part 1🔥🔥 Getting Started # You need to import this in our file import ‘dart:math’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/painting.dart’; 🐱‍👤 3D Drawer Animated && made with algeria ❤ GitHub

  • Native context menu for flutter apps

    native_context_menu Native context menu for flutter apps Installation flutter pub add native_context_menu Usage import ‘package:native_context_menu/native_context_menu.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(App()); } class App extends StatefulWidget { const App({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<App> createState() => _AppState(); } class _AppState extends State<App> { String? action; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: ContextMenuRegion( onDismissed: () => …