Mes: junio 2023

  • Laundry App Flutter UI Kit

    #LaundryApp #Laundry App Flutter UI Kit# Updated with latest Flutter SDK support 💻 Requirements Any Operating System (MacOS, Linux, Windows) Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (Android Studio, VSCode etc) A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter 👨‍💻 Author Apps were developed by HypeTeq Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Website GitHub View Github

  • Fashion/Clothes Store App using Flutter

    My Fashion App Project Description My fashion app is a responsive mobile application developed using Flutter framework which is designed to provide a seamless user experience for customers who shop for fashion items. The app is optimized for mobile devices and offers a clean and visually appealing interface. Here are the different pages of your app and their respective roles: …

  • Crime Prevention And Reporting System with Flutter

    CrimePreventionAndReportingSystem Final Year Project for Bachelors in Computer Science Description Copyright Notice (C) 2023 Hawwa Kerai All rights reserved. This code is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of this code, or any portion thereof, is strictly prohibited. Permissions You are granted the following permissions regarding the use of this code: View the source code on GitHub. …

  • An Islamic app for GitHub that combines spirituality and technology

    DigiQuran DigiQuran is a user-friendly Islamic app that offers a range of features to enhance your spiritual journey. Read Quran allows easy navigation and recitation options, while Shalah Time provides accurate prayer times. Daily Quotes offer insightful teachings, Qiblah Direction points to the Kaaba, and Daily Dua provides blessings and guidance. The app also includes an Islamic Video Player for …

  • A Simple Phones Store App using Flutter

    My Phones Store Project Description “My phones store app is a mobile application developed using Flutter framework. It consists of 5 pages: the first screen, home page, all products page, details product page, and about page. The app is designed to provide users with a seamless and responsive experience on all mobile devices.” The home page is the core of …

  • Fitness workout app with Flutter

    fitnessapp Fitness workout app is a professional app template that provides pre-set workout plans for bodybuilding, Weight Gain, Weight loss & other Fitness Workout as your bodybuilding and Workout trainer. Features: Material mobile UI/UX design. Beautiful Pie, Line, Progress chart. Workout tracker, Workout schedule. Exercises details with steps UI. Progress photo gallery UI. Profile screen UI. Notification screen UI. Custom …

  • A Meal Planner application built with flutter

    Meal Tracker App Meal Tracker application is build in flutter for android and iOS devices.In this project we used firebase database for email authentication and to store – retrieve meal data. User can edit and delete meals also. For email and password user can also edit their email and password using firebase authentication. User can change theme mode according to …

  • The ultimate gaming app that combines a virtual shop and a vast library of diverse titles

    mulplat_project_gamehub GameHub Connect is the ultimate gaming app that combines a virtual shop, a vast library of diverse titles, and an engaging community of passionate gamers. Explore an extensive game shop, purchase your favorite titles, and unlock exclusive in-app bonuses. Dive into a comprehensive game library featuring classic and trending games across genres, and connect with like-minded individuals in the …

  • Onboarding, caching, splash screen, icon app name change for Flutter apps

    Base Requirements Packages For Flutter Apps Onboarding, caching, splash screen, icon app name change and more Change App Name Usage Android Go to android manifest.xml. android / app / src / main / AndroidManifest.xml Change android label with your app name. <application android:name=»» android:label=»App Name» android:icon=»@mipmap/launcher_icon»> Ios Go to Info.plist. ios / Runner / Info.plist Change bundle name with your …

  • Education App Like Udemy Built with Flutter

    MADENS – Education App Like Udemy Built Flutter Madens is an application where instructors add courses and students can purchase this course. Mobile part is written with Flutter and backend part is written with .net. Application Features As Student Login, Register Search Course Add Course To Basket Remove Course To Basket Buy Courses Watch Your Purchased Videos Change Password Delete …

  • A Real Estate App with Flutter

    PropHunter – A Real Estate App Download App Android Screenshots HomePage Search and Filter Options Property Details and Pdf Features Firebase Integration Statemangement Using Provider MVVM Architecture Map Intergration Responsive Design Code Resuiblity Connected to Admin App Searching and Filter Error Handling and Analytics Used Pdf package to download boucher Directory Structure lib: | constant.dart | custom_animation.dart | main.dart | …

  • An Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle

    MedWell MedWell is an Android application that helps you track your medication intake and menstrual cycle. With MedWell, you can easily keep track of your medications, set reminders for taking them, and monitor your menstrual cycle for a better understanding of your health. Features Medication Tracking: Keep a record of all your medications, including the name, dosage, frequency, and any …

  • An Android App built using Flutter to detect canker disease in citrus and do some other awesome stuff

    Citrus Canker Detection Canker disease detection using deep learning Model Inception V3. Version of dart-sdk I used to make this project : Dart SDK version: 3.0.3 (stable) (Wed May 31 15:35:05 2023 +0000) on “windows_x64” **Folders Included: ** lib (folder) assets (folder) pubsec.yaml (file) How to run To run the project in your Windows PC Create a new emptly flutter …

  • Smart Home App built with Flutter

    Smart Home App Create by Zillur Rahman Description This is Smart Home App UI Design. Dependencies – cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 – persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2: ^4.2.8 – fl_chart: – another_xlider: ^3.0.1 – animated_toggle_switch: – get: – google_fonts: – flutter_svg: – eva_icons_flutter: Usage Homr Page. Details Page. Smart Home Page. Usage Page. Prifile Page. Smart Home Apps Picture Apps Video 20230615-024102-240×532.mp4 GitHub View Github

  • Random Cat Facts App built with Flutter

    Random Cat Facts App Este repositório contém um aplicativo simples que exibe fatos aleatórios sobre gatos. Se você é um amante de felinos, este é o aplicativo perfeito para aprender fatos interessantes e divertidos sobre esses adoráveis animais. Tecnologia Flutter Plataformas Android IOS Funcionalidades Exibe fatos aleatórios sobre gatos a cada vez que o usuário atualiza a tela. Interface simples …

  • The Social Media App made with flutter and Dart

    Social Wall -Flutter This is the Social Wall-the Social Media App made with flutter and Dart. The Users can register and login. The Users can Post on the wall which will be visible to other logged in users. The other users can like and comment on the wall posts. Demo Demo Images Contributing Contributions are always welcome! If you want …