Mes: junio 2022

  • Reusable Learning App with Swift

    ReusableLearningApp The main task was to develop a reusable educational app. Our target audience here are mobile app developers. In other words, they should be able to reuse our project to build their own apps on top of it. Demo Video telegram-cloud-document-2-5307972797761329736.mp4 Features Learning and completing courses and lessons Settings with dark mode and customizable notifications. Achievements system to track …

  • A Flutter Todo App with Parse (Back4app) as the backend demonstrating CRUD operations

    Siro’s Todo App Description A Flutter Todo App with Parse (Back4app) as the backend demonstrating CRUD operations. Getx State Management Objective This repo will be useful to developers looking for an alternative to backend services like Firebase as they will enjoy building apps without any third party libraries when they switch to using RestFUL APIs provided by the Back4App platform. …

  • A mobile application that allows users to manage personal expenses

    My Exp A personal expense-tracking mobile application built with Flutter. Features The app allows users to enter their daily expenses and keep track of their weekly expeditures. A transaction detail can be added manually. The app also allows users to upload the receipt of a transaction from the galllery, or capture from the device camera, which will then be processed …

  • An implementation for the Android platform of the Flutter `in_app_purchase` plugin

    in_app_purchase_amazon A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started Install Amazon App Store on Target device from Add below query in AndroidManifest.xml <manifest xmlns:android=»» …> … <queries> <package android:name=»»/> </queries> … Add rules below in <project-root> -keep class** {*;} -keep class** -dontwarn** -keepattributes *Annotation* Follow instructions at Follow instructions at Push test file for testing …

  • Make windows installer for flutter powered apps

    Flutter Inno Setup Make windows installer for Flutter & vanilla Dart powered apps powered by Inno Setup. Installing Run this command: With Dart: dart pub add -d innosetup With Flutter: flutter pub add -d innosetup Simple Usage InnoSetup( app: InnoSetupApp( name: ‘Test App’, version: Version.parse(‘0.1.0’), publisher: ‘author’, urls: InnoSetupAppUrls( homeUrl: Uri.parse(‘’), ), ), files: InnoSetupFiles( executable: File(‘build/windows/runner/test_app.exe’), location: Directory(‘build/windows/runner’), ), …

  • Task Flutter Get AdoptApp Button

    Pets Adoption App 🦄 Instructions Fork and clone this repository to your Development folder. Endpoints: Get pets, type: Get, Create a new pet, type: Post, Update a pet, type: Put,{petId} Delete a pet, type: Delete,{petId} Adopt a pet, type: Post,{petId} Part 1: Get Data Install dio into your project: flutter pub add dio Create a …

  • A catalog of beautiful login UI built with flutter

    Login Catalog A catalog of beautiful login UI built with flutter. Beautifully crafted with flutter and love, a useful UI full of different Login and Registration Screens to help developers kickstart their apps faster. Login Design 1 Login Design 2 Login Design 3 Login Design 4 Login Design 5 Login Design 6 Login Design 7 Login Design 8 Login …

  • A lightweight phone number smart contact app for managing your contacts

    Contact app A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. Requirement dependencies: # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application. # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons. cupertino_icons: image_picker: flutter_phone_direct_caller: dropdown_button2: flutter_share: file_picker: share_plus: # You can use alternative of Share flutter_contacts: contacts_service: shared_preferences: What you’ll …

  • Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications

    About Fleather Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications based on Zefyr. Clean and modern look Fleather’s rich text editor is built with simplicity and flexibility in mind. It provides clean interface for distraction-free editing. Think experience. Markdown-inspired semantics Ever needed to have a heading line inside of a quote block, like in this Markdown block: I’m …

  • Flutter async storage reads data from React Native’s AsyncStorage from within Flutter apps

    flutter_async_storage flutter_async_storage reads data from React Native’s AsyncStorage from within Flutter apps. This is useful for Flutter apps that have migrated from React Native and need to access data stored on disk. Reading data To read data from AsyncStorage in Flutter, you can use a workflow like: final asyncStorageReader = AsyncStorageReader(LocalPlatform()); try { if (await asyncStorageReader.exists()) { final data = …

  • Flutter Firebase Storage App

    Flutter Travel Photographer Application where users upload photos of places they travel. Features Can upload photos from both camera and memory Can create Description and Title Registration and action required Tech Stack This project is built in Flutter and uses Firebase. Development Setup Clone the repository and run the following commands: flutter pub get flutter run Contributing Contributions are always …