Etiqueta: ui

  • A Spotify Application UI Written With Dart

    SpotifyClone This is an enormous spotify application ui that has been written with dart. Supports 4 albums, 4 playlists, An snippet of track screen with a dynamic video and animation to the lyrics section, with all the sign up section pages and choosing artists and podcasts and Even an scanner to scan spotify barcodes. The local data has been implemented …

  • A Customizable Shadcn-UI for Flutter

    shadcn-ui for Flutter shadcn-ui for Flutter is a project aimed at bringing the power and flexibility of the shadcn-ui component library, originally made for React developers, to Flutter developers. It offers beautifully designed and customizable components that can be easily integrated into Flutter applications. View Github The project consists of several packages: cli: A Dart-based CLI tool that streamlines project …

  • ModularUI: Pre-built beautiful flutter widgets

    ModularUI ModularUI is a pre-built Flutter widget library designed for creating beautiful, accessible, and responsive user interfaces. Inspired by material-tailwind and shadcn/ui, it offers a comprehensive set of Modular-UI Design components, including buttons, cards, forms, navigation elements, and more. The library is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor components to specific needs with extensive styling options. It prioritizes responsive design …

  • UI contest using flutter and firebase

    Plants App Contest Language & Tools used: Demo Preview Whitemode Onboard Onboard Onboard Name Login Signup Theme Post Plant Home Demo Preview Darkmode Plant Post Signup Theme Profile Post Home Test Wiki Firebase Add authentication module Enable google signin Add firestore module Set rules to allow to read and write in DB Add storage module Set rules to allow to …

  • A beautiful and attractive UI design for exploring fast food menus

    Konstructora Welcome to the Konstructora App UI Design repository! a Flutter-based application with a beautiful and attractive UI design for exploring fast food menus. Overview The Fast Food Menu App is designed to provide users with a delightful experience while browsing through various fast food options. The app includes a detailed screen for each menu item, allowing users to get …

  • UI Clone of Popular bkash app using flutter

    bkash_ui UI Clone of Popular bkash app, this is a popular MFS app in our BD. The reason for making it is industry level UI and its layout, animation which is standard and user friendly. Why do this😊 Basically the reason for doing this UI is to try to make it realtime and how an industry level application needs to …

  • Coffee Shop Beautiful UI for Flutter

    Coffee Shop Beautiful UI Installation To get started, you need to have Flutter installed on your machine. Then, follow the instructions below: Open the terminal and navigate to the project folder. Run the command flutter packages get to install the required packages. Run flutter run to build and run the debug app on your emulator/phone Demo GitHub View Github

  • A train seat selection UI made using Flutter Framework and provider state management for CRUV technical assignment

    Seat Picker UI Application – Flutter Intern Assignment Table of Contents Description Screen Recording Screenshots Features Technologies Getting Started Usage Responsive Design State Management Description Welcome to the Seat Picker UI Application, a Flutter-based application developed as a technical assignment for the Flutter Intern position at CRUV. This app aims to provide a user-friendly interface for selecting seats in a …

  • A Credit Cards UI built with Flutter

    CreditCardsUI FlutterFlow is a rapidly growing platform with a small but thriving community. It’s constantly adding new features, which is why I decided to create something that’s not yet available in the FlutterFlow marketplace. After browsing through the marketplace, I noticed the absence of credit card UI templates, and that’s when I got the idea to fill that gap. After …

  • A modern and easy to use Client/UI for Etcd

    Etcd UI A modern and easy to use Client/UI for Etcd How to use You need to run the server first, then you can use the client to connect to the server. Yes, you need to use them together. Note We recommend that the client and server use the same version(they will be updated together, and incompatible versions may make …

  • Laundry App Flutter UI Kit

    #LaundryApp #Laundry App Flutter UI Kit# Updated with latest Flutter SDK support 💻 Requirements Any Operating System (MacOS, Linux, Windows) Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (Android Studio, VSCode etc) A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter 👨‍💻 Author Apps were developed by HypeTeq Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Website GitHub View Github

  • A Flutter Grocery Shop App UI For Client Wise Customisation

    Flutter Grocery App UI Flutter Version Used : 1.22.4 Desing Credit : By Sharvaya Infotech Screens Splash Screen Welcome Screen Home Screen(Shop) Product Details Screen Categories Screen (Explore) Products Screen (After clicking any category) Filter Screen My Cart Screen Checkout Bottom Sheet Order Failed Dialog Order Accepted Screen Profile Screen GitHub View Github