Mes: febrero 2022

  • App to open conversation without having to save the number in WhatsApp

    Whats Link App feito para abrir conversa do WhtasApp sem salvar o número do destinatário.. Sobre o App 📱 Digita o número. 📱 Validação do número digitado. 📱 Abre o WhatsApp direto na conversa. Teste o app 🖥️ link do app hospedado Screenshots No Futuro Novas funcionalidades Novo Design 👇 Dúvida, Crítica, Elogio ou Sugestão👇 *Estudar é fundamental para um …

  • App para practicar el disenio de layouts con widgets mas comunes containers, stacks, row/columns, text fields

    App para practicar el disenio de layouts con widgets mas comunes containers, stacks, row/columns, text fields, etc… Empezar a utilizar manejo de estados en los widgets. Reconstruir solamente widgets necesarios Utilizar Provider. Getting Started Recuerda que despues de clonar el proyecto, abrir una terminal dentro de la carpeta del proyecto y ejecutar el comando: flutter packages get SDK version 2.10.0 …

  • Find Kosan Cimahi App With Flutter

    Find Kosan Cimahi Masih Tahap Belajar Dart This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and …

  • A flutter event explorer app

    Mah-Event Application At its core, Mah-Event lets end-users initiate and find events corresponding to their interests and location. It allows people to submit event location and detail, searching for interesting events nearby. Mah-Event is mostly designed for mobile users who frequently check their smartphones for places to go. GitHub View Github

  • Flutter Shopping app example use Getx

    Created By Sajjad Javadi Email: Show some ❤️ and star the repo to support the project Flutter Shopping app example In this project I use Getx for State management, Dio for HTTP client and Hive for the local database. Products api is for fakestoreapi. This example learn you how to: Setup getx and sizer in main.dart Initializes hive and …

  • Little Super Mario game developed with Flame in Flutter

    First Game Generated by the Very Good CLI 🤖 A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI. Getting Started 🚀 This project contains 3 flavors: development staging production To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands: # Development $ flutter run –flavor development –target lib/main_development.dart # Staging $ flutter …

  • Architecturing Flutter Application with MVVM using GetIt

    Architecturing Flutter Application with MVVM using GetIt Starting with Basics 🧑‍💻 Flutter: Flutter is an open-source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. Features of Flutter: Fast: Flutter code compiles to ARM or Intel machine code as well as JavaScript, for fast performance on any device. Productive: Build and iterate quickly with Hot …

  • ThankQ : A Virtual Queueing App for Amusement Parks

    ThankQ : A Virtual Queueing App for Amusement Parks! Motivation Waiting for your favorite ride in a long queue is really frustrating, so we developed an app which delights guests and helps them beat the queue and have a joyous experience. Today’s guests expect friction-free experiences, meaning long wait times, getting lost or missing out on activities just won’t cut …

  • Flutter App to get Anime and Manga Details

    Weebify Flutter App to get Anime and Manga Details Getting Started Follow the steps to install flutter from here After installing flutter, follow these steps to get started: Clone the repository: git clone cd weebify Install the dependencies: flutter pub get Running the app: flutter run Building the app: flutter build <apk|appbundle|aar|bundle|web|windows> Resources Lab: Write your first Flutter app …

  • FluEvent: An application where you can create and participate in events

    FluEvent Etkinlik App FluEvent ile tüm kapılar açılır Takım Üyeleri Gökhan Birkin Berkay Ergün Berna Demir Mesud Karakayalı FluEvent, etkinlik olusturabileceginiz ve etkinliklere katılım saglayabileceginiz bir uygulamadır. Çözümlerimiz Uygulamamızda çocukların kişisel gelişimlerine ve eğitimlerine katkı sağlayacak etkinliklerden haberdar olmasını sağlıyoruz. Aileler FluEvent üzerinden bu etkinlikleri görebilir ve maddi bir sıkıntı çekmeden çocuklarını etkinliklere dahil edebilirler. Bu sayede her çocuğun eşit …

  • Arna Framework – A unique set of widgets for building applications with Flutter

    Arna Arna Framework – A unique set of widgets for building applications with Flutter. Getting Started Add Arna as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml dependencies: arna: ^0.1.8 And import it import ‘package:arna/arna.dart’; Usage Arna App ArnaApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, themeMode: ArnaThemeMode.light, home: Home(), ); Arna Scaffold ArnaScaffold( headerBarLeading: ArnaIconButton( icon: Icons.add_outlined, onPressed: () {}, ), title: «Title», headerBarTrailing: ArnaIconButton( icon: Icons.info_outlined, …

  • Online Course App Built Using Flutter

    Online Course App – Flutter Preview video: Support my work: My Patreon My Linkedin My Twitter My Email: => To access complete source code, please join My Patreon GitHub View Github