News App

Simple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with Flutter

A simple news app with a minimalistic and modern UI that incorporates the api all built entirely with Flutter.


  • Top stories feed: Get top stories from around the globe.
  • Search by category: Look at different articles by category such as Business, Health, etc.
  • Search by source: Look at news from specified source such as CNN, BBC News etc.
  • COVID-19 Section: A designated section for Coronavirus news.
  • Dark mode(WIP): Dark theme and light theme support

Getting started

  1. Obtain API key from
  2. Navigate to .vscode > launch.json > and input your api key where it says «YOUR_API_KEY_HERE»
  3. Navigate to lib > src > config > environment_config.dart > and input your api key where it says «YOUR_API_KEY_HERE»
  4. Run app



Simple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with FlutterSimple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with FlutterSimple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with FlutterSimple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with FlutterSimple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with FlutterSimple and modern news app that incorporates REST API with Flutter


If you have any questions, you can reach me here:


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